
Microscopy preprints – new tools and techniques in imaging

Posted by , on 28 June 2024

Here is a curated selection of preprints posted recently on new tools and techniques in imaging. Let us know if we are missing any recent preprints that are on your reading list!

Optical sectioning for reflection interference microscopy
Cathie Ventalon, Oksana Kirichuk, Yotam Navon, Yan Chastagnier, Laurent Heux, Ralf P. Richter, Lionel Bureau, Delphine Débarre

A versatile correlative light and electron microscopy protocol for human brain and other biological models
Notash Shafiei, Daniel Stӓhli, Domenic Burger, Marta Di Fabrizio, Lukas van den Heuvel, Jean Daraspe, Carolin Böing, Sarah H Shahmoradian, Wilma DJ van de Berg, Christel Genoud, Henning Stahlberg, Amanda J Lewis

Fast adaptive super-resolution lattice light-sheet microscopy for rapid, long-term, near-isotropic subcellular imaging
Chang Qiao, Ziwei Li, Zongfa Wang, Yuhuan Lin, Chong Liu, Siwei Zhang, Yong Liu, Yun Feng, Xinyu Wang, Xue Dong, Jiabao Guo, Tao Jiang, Qinghua Wang, Qionghai Dai, Dong Li

LiveLattice: Real-time visualization of tilted light-sheet microscopy data using a memory-efficient transformation algorithm
Zichen Wang, Hiroyuki Hakozaki, Gillian McMahon, Marta Medina-Carbonero, Johannes Schöneberg

SmartEM: machine-learning guided electron microscopy
Yaron Meirovitch, Core Francisco Park, Lu Mi, Pavel Potocek, Shashata Sawmya, Yicong Li, Ishaan Singh Chandok, Thomas L. Athey, Neha Karlupia, Yuelong Wu, Daniel R. Berger, Richard Schalek, Hanspeter Pfister, Remco Schoenmakers, Maurice Peemen, Jeff W. Lichtman, Aravinthan D.T. Samuel, Nir Shavit

Figure extracted from Meirovitch, et al. made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Flight-Scope: microscopy with microfluidics in microgravity
Thomas Wareing, Alexander Stokes, Katrina Crompton, Koren Murphy, Jack Dawson, Yusuf Furkan Ugurluoglu, Connor Richardson, Hongquan Li, Manu Prakash, Adam J. M. Wollman

Point set registration for combining fluorescence microscopy methods
Ivo Severins, Chirlmin Joo, John van Noort

Tandem RAman Microscopy (TRAM): integration of spontaneous and coherent Raman scattering offering data fusion analysis to improve optical biosensing
K. Brzozowski, A. Pieczara, A. Nowakowska, W. Korona, B. Orzechowska, J. Firlej, A. Wislocka-Orlowska, M. Baranska

Metasurfaces for infrared multi-modal microscopy: phase contrast and bright field
Shaban B. Sulejman, Lukas Wesemann, Mikkaela McCormack, Jiajun Meng, James A. Hutchison, Niken Priscilla, Gawain McColl, Katrina Read, Wilson Sim, Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Kenneth B. Crozier, Ann Roberts

XLuminA: An Auto-differentiating Discovery Framework for Super-Resolution Microscopy
Carla Rodríguez, Sören Arlt, Leonhard Möckl, Mario Krenn

ATUM-Tomo: A multi-scale approach to cellular ultrastructure by combined volume scanning electron microscopy and electron tomography
Georg Kislinger, Gunar Fabig, Antonia Wehn, Lucia Rodriguez, Hanyi Jiang, Cornelia Niemann, Andrey S. Klymchenko, Nikolaus Plesnila, Thomas Misgeld, Thomas Müller-Reichert, Igor Khalin, Martina Schifferer

Coordinate-based neural representations for computational adaptive optics in widefield microscopy
Iksung Kang, Qinrong Zhang, Stella X. Yu, Na Ji

Confocal structured illumination microscopy
Weishuai Zhou, Manhong Yao, Xi Lin, Quan Yu, Junzheng Peng, Jingang Zhong

Homogeneous large field-of-view and compact iSCAT-TIRF setup for dynamic single molecule measurements
Giovanni De Angelis, Jacopo Abramo, Mariia Miasnikova, Marcel Taubert, Christian Eggeling, Francesco Reina

Near Zero Photon Bioimaging
Lucas Sheneman, Sulaimon Balogun, Jill L. Johnson, Maria J. Harrison, Andreas E. Vasdekis

Low-dose cryo-electron ptychography of proteins at sub-nanometer resolution
Berk Küçükoğlu, Inayathulla Mohammed, Ricardo C. Guerrero-Ferreira, Massimo Kube, Julika Radecke, Stephanie M. Ribet, Georgios Varnavides, Max Leo Leidl, Kelvin Lau, Sergey Nazarov, Alexander Myasnikov, Carsten Sachse, Knut Müller-Caspary, Colin Ophus, Henning Stahlberg

Curved light sheet microscopy for centimeter-scale cleared tissues imaging
Lijuan Tang, Jiayu Wang, Jiayi Ding, Junyou Sun, Xing-jun Chen, Quqing Shen, Ruiheng Song, Peng Cao, Rong Gong, Fang Xu, Woo-ping Ge, Wenzhi Sun, Hu Zhao, Jianglai Wu

Multispectral live-cell imaging with uncompromised spatiotemporal resolution
Akaash Kumar, Kerrie E. McNally, Yuexuan Zhang, Alex Haslett-Saunders, Xinru Wang, Jordi Guillem-Marti, David Lee, Buwei Huang, Robert R. Kay, David Baker, Emmanuel Derivery, James D. Manton

Figure extracted from Kumar, et al. made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Mantis: high-throughput 4D imaging and analysis of the molecular and physical architecture of cells
Ivan E. Ivanov, Eduardo Hirata-Miyasaki, Talon Chandler, Rasmi Cheloor Kovilakam, Ziwen Liu, Soorya Pradeep, Chad Liu, Madhura Bhave, Sudip Khadka, Carolina Arias, Manuel D. Leonetti, Bo Huang, Shalin B. Mehta

Structured Detection for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Optical Sectioning in Laser Scanning Microscopy
Alessandro Zunino, Giacomo Garrè, Eleonora Perego, Sabrina Zappone, Mattia Donato, Giuseppe Vicidomini

Quantitative phase imaging verification in large field-of-view lensless holographic microscopy via two-photon 3D printing
Emilia Wdowiak, Mikołaj Rogalski, Piotr Arcab, Piotr Zdańkowski, Michał Józwik, Maciej Trusiak

Electrochemically controlled switching of dyes for enhanced super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI)
Ying Yang, Yuanqing Ma, Richard D. Tilley, J. Justin Gooding

Photoactivatable Plasma Membrane Probe Through Self-Triggered Photooxidation Cascade for Live Super-Resolution Microscopy
Sonia Pfister, Valentine Le Berruyer, Kyong Fam, Mayeul Collot

Red Light Mediated Photo-Conversion of Silicon Rhodamines to Oxygen Rhodamines for Single-Molecule Microscopy
Jacob M. Ritz, Aset Khakimzhan, Joseph J. Dalluge, Vincent Noiraeux, Elias M. Puchner

Targeted Photoactivatable Green-Emitting BODIPY Based on Directed Photooxidation Induced Activation and its Application to Live Dynamic Super-Resolution Microscopy
Lazare Saladin, Valentine Le Berruyer, Maxence Bonnevial, Pascal Didier, Mayeul Collot

Beyond BioID: Streptavidin outcompetes antibody fluorescence signals in protein localization and readily visualises targets evading immunofluorescence detection
Johanna Odenwald, Bernardo Gabiatti, Silke Braune, Siqi Shen, Martin Zoltner, Susanne Kramer

Tailoring the self-blinking of sulfonamide rhodamine for long-term protein-localizing super-resolution imaging
Xue Zhang, Ying Zheng, Lujia Yang, Zhiwei Ye, Yi Xiao

Comparative analysis of new, mScarlet-based red fluorescent tags in Caenorhabditis elegans
Wen Xi Cao, Daniel Merritt, Karinna Pe, Michael Cesar, Oliver Hobert

Reduced non-specific binding of super-resolution DNA-PAINT markers by Shielded DNA-PAINT labeling protocols
Evelina Lučinskaitė, Alexandre F. E. Bokhobza, Andrew Stannard, Anna Meletiou, Chris Estell, Steven West, Lorenzo Di Michele, Christian Soeller, Alexander H. Clowsley

Figure extracted from Lučinskaitė, et al. made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.
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