

Posts from the FocalPlane team

About FocalPlane

Microscopy background: Optical System Development, Image Analysis, Probe Development

Posts by FocalPlane

Featured image with Jovan Brockett

Posted by , on 19 July 2024

Our featured image, acquired by Jovan Brockett, shows a Drosophila melanogaster embryo undergoing syncytial nuclear divisions during early embryonic development. It was prepared using PFA fixation and hand dissected to remove the outer vitelline membrane. The image was captured using a Nikon Ti-E system fitted with a Yokagawa CSU-X1 spinning disk head, Hamamatsu Orca Flash

Microscopy preprints - applications in biology

Posted by , on 12 July 2024

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we share preprints that use microscopy tools to answer questions in biology.

Featured image with Hoang Anh Le

Posted by , on 5 July 2024

Our featured image, acquired by Hoang Anh Le, shows an Ewing’s sarcoma cancer cell plated on a fibronectin-coated surface. The cell was fixed with 4% formaldehyde and stained using phalloidin (white) and DAPI (in pink). The sample was imaged using a confocal Zeiss 880 microscope with Airyscan.

Microscopy preprints - new tools and techniques in imaging

Posted by , on 28 June 2024

Here is a curated selection of preprints posted recently on new tools and techniques in imaging. Let us know if we are missing any recent preprints that are on your reading list!

Featured image with Theresa Wiesner

Posted by , on 21 June 2024

Our featured image, acquired by Theresa Wiesner, shows a neuron in dissociated hippocampal culture and was imaged using highly inclined thin illumination microscopy (HiLO). The neuron is transfected with a neurotransmitter (glutamate) sensor and shown in orange. The image was acquired using Nikon Elements software / microscope and post-processing was done using FIJI (ImageJ). Find

Recent events by FocalPlane

Call for workshop GerBI TiM2025

Abstract submission deadline: 30th June 2024

Location: ,

Date: 17 March 2025 — 21 March 2025

CLEM workshop from COMULISglobe

Location: Stellenbosch, South Africa

Date: 21 January 2025 — 24 January 2025

COMULISglobe Conference and CLEM Workshop

Abstract submission deadline: 30th September 2024

Early registration deadline: 28th July 2024

Location: Stellenbosch, South Africa

Date: 20 January 2025 — 24 January 2025