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Emmanuel G. Reynaud

Emmanuel G. Reynaud was awarded his PhD at Paris XI on cell cycle regulations of rhabdomyosarcomas.Then, he obtained an EMBO long term fellowship to join Rainer's Pepperkok at EMBL where he developed new approaches in cell biology combining laser nanosurgery with correlative Ligh/EM microscopy as well as micropatterning to dissect the Golgi apparatus.Later, he moved as a research associate in Ernst Stelzer lab in the early days of  Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy development. He has led in tandem with Pavel Tomancak the Light Sheet Microscopy Community since 2009, organizing conferences and EMBO courses. Emmanuel is a polymath that publish in 6 fields of science from History of Science (Blaschka models) to Harm Reduction. He is constantly building "stuff" and has worked extensively with Industry as well as establishing Naiad 3D Bioprinting Ltd, a company specialized in Fluid phase 3D bioprinting.

About Emmanuel G. Reynaud

Scientific field: Cell biology, Zoology, Harm Reduction, Museum curation, Marine biology

Microscopy background: Optical System Development