ComeInCell Doctoral Network PhD Studentship: In silico membrane reshaping by molecular condensates
Posted on 4 December 2024
Job type: PhD
Location: Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Vienna
Closing Date: 14 March 2025
This PhD position is offered through the ComeInCell European MSCA Doctoral Network. More details about PhD projects offered through the ComeInCell Program can be found here:
Hosted by:
Andela Saric
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Computational Soft and Living Matter
Project Summary
Saric Lab develops computer simulations to investigate the physical mechanisms behind protein phase separation and aggregation, membrane reshaping and membrane division in cells and biomimetic systems. In this project we will build a coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics (MD) model of molecular condensates in contact with deformable fluid membranes. We will investigate the mechanics of such a multicomponent system, and conditions under which condensates cause membrane reshaping, pore formation, and repair. At the same time, by using data from various membrane-condensate systems tackled in the consortium, this project is expected to pinpoint general properties and general physical rules of membrane-condensate systems. The project will involve secondments at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Postdam, Germany (Lipowsky group), the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Pezeshkian group), and at MD.USE Innovations SL (Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
Selected References
- C. Bussi, A. Mangiarotti, C. Vanhille-Campos, B. Aylan, E. Pellegrino, N. Athanasiade, A. Fearns, A. Rodgers, A. Šarić, R. Dimova, M. G. Gutierrez, Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes. Nature 623, 1062 (2023).
- J. Krausser, T. P. J. Knowles, A. Šarić, Physical mechanisms of amyloid nucleation on fluid membranes, Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A., 117, 33090 (2020).
- C. Vanhille-Campos and A. Šarić, Dynamics of vesicle shape changes under osmotic shocks, Soft Matter 17, 3798, (2021).
General Application Information
Funding information:
Funding agency: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2023 (Project Nr: 101168939)
Doctoral Candidate (DC) Allowances:
MSCA Doctoral Networks provide attractive salary terms and benefits, including a living allowance of around €3,400 (country correction coefficient applies), a mobility allowance of €600 and, a family allowance (€660 if applicable). Note that these are gross values and employer costs or other deductions depend on the recruiting host.
Mobility Conditions:
MSCA networks require that applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.
The individual scientific projects are planned within one of the partner Host Institution and every doctoral candidate will spend a part of their doctoral studies in another partner laboratory (a maximum of 12 months of their 36 months PhDs).
Standard duties and responsibilities of the DC:
For the 36 months of employment contract the doctoral candidate (DC) will be required to work exclusively on the MSCA programme. In all cases, all duties and responsibilities will be clearly outlined in the DC personal Career Development Plan, as determined in the early stages of the project between the DC and their supervisory committee.
Starting Date:
All projects will commence preferably within the first half of 2025, depending on the host institution. Contact the corresponding PIs for more details.
Candidate Specification
Essential: Applicants should hold or expect to attain, as a minimum MSc degree, or equivalent, in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology or related area.
Knowledge and Experience
Essential: Research project carried out in at least one of the above disciplines and aptitude for computational and numerical work, statistical physics, soft matter, physical chemistry, and passion for biologically-relevant questions
Skills and Competencies
Essential: Evidence of interest, aptitude and research experience in the above disciplines.
Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English.