
FocalPlane Network

FocalPlane Network is a global database of researchers with microscopy expertise such as developers, imaging scientists, biologists and bioimage analysts. The idea behind the FocalPlane Network is to facilitate promotion and networking as well as assisting those seeking conference speakers, committee members, reviewers or collaborators.

We designed the FocalPlane Network along similar lines to our sister site’s database, the Node Network. We aim to be an inclusive site that will help promote diversity in the microscopy community. Members provide information on their scientific field, microscopy area of expertise, place of work and career stage. They can also voluntarily provide details on aspects of diversity such as gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+ identity and disability status.

There are two options for using the Network: as a ‘user’ or as a ‘member’. As a ‘user’, you will have access to the database but your details will not appear on the site, while as a ‘member’, your details will be included for others to see and potentially contact you. If you are already registered on FocalPlane, request access to the Network on your profile page as either a ‘user’ or a ‘member’. If you are not registered, you must do this first, and then request access. Once you are a user of the FocalPlane Network, you can contact other members using the online contact form available in the member’s details (no email addresses are made public). If you want to become a member of the Network, request access to the Network and enter your details in your profile page. Your registration will then be manually approved to ensure the entry is valid and to avoid spam. The FocalPlane Network has been designed with data protection best-practice in mind to ensure all personal information is secured.

We would like to thank the members of the community and our Scientific Advisory Board for their help and input in shaping the FocalPlane Network. We also want to thank Sian Culley and the RMS team behind the Microscopy Gender Equality Resource for their feedback. We recommend checking this resource if you are looking specifically for women in the field of microscopy, imaging and cytometry.

We hope that the FocalPlane Network will be a valuable resource for the microscopy community and welcome your feedback on any aspect of the Network.

Please see our FAQ page for more information.

Contact us

Do you have a question or suggestion for the FocalPlane team?

Updated on 4 April 2023