
Afonso Mendes

I'm a biologist with a passion for viruses and host-pathogen interactions. I study the dynamic architecture of viral and host protein complexes and how they influence viral replication. My approach is a mix of super-resolution microscopy, machine-learning, optoelectronics, and additive manufacturing.

About Afonso Mendes

Scientific field: Virology, Immunology, Molecular biology, Computational biology

Microscopy background: Image Analysis

Posts by Afonso Mendes

A First Exposure to Super-Resolution Microscopy

Posted by , on 11 June 2021

Biomedical research encompasses several fields of expertise involving complex biological topics and technologies. Studying a given subject is a process that takes years, decades, and sometimes a lifetime to complete. Consequently, researchers tend to become highly familiar with a specific subset of scientific topics and experimental approaches. However, they are often confronted with the cumbersome