Advertisement a Knowledge Base related to Scientific Cameras, Optics & Microscopy

Posted on 11 March 2021

We are a team of experienced professionals who can help you configure imaging solutions for a wide range of applications in Life Sciences Microscopy, Inspection, Machine Vision and Quality Control.

We invite you to browse our Knowledge Base to learn about the implications of key product parameters to the acquisition of quantitative image data under challenging conditions, e.g. in low-light and/or high-speed situations.

Our mission is to provide free, objective information related to imaging. Our promise is to offer you best-in-class solutions, either from affiliated industry partners or by means of referrals to others, if their solutions are more aligned with your needs.

Please contact us to discuss your imaging projects. Our specialists can provide the critical guidance that you need to match the right optics and imaging technologies to your requirements.


Learning material type: Website

Resource Created By: A Prabala, also material from Microcourses and that are shown with permission


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