
Fabian Voigt

Fabian F. Voigt is a postdoc in the laboratory of Fritjof Helmchen at the Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich. As a BSc student in Interdisciplinary Science, Fabian started out building light-sheet endoscopes for in vivo calcium imaging in mice (miniSPIM). In his BSc thesis, he used electrically tunable lenses (ETL) for fast 3D two-photon imaging and later brought the technology to the lab of Jan Huisken at MPI-CBG in Dresden which resulted in the ETL-SPIM, a fast volume scanning light-sheet microscope. In his MSc studies at ETH Zurich, he designed two-photon mesoscopes. In a collaboration with the lab of Ursula Keller at ETH Zurich, he designed cost-efficient femtosecond semiconductor disk lasers and demonstrated their potential for multiphoton imaging. The mesoSPIM initiative formed part of his PhD thesis at the University of Zurich.

About Fabian Voigt

Microscopy background: Optical System Development

Posts by Fabian Voigt

Pointing a tiny telescope at the microcosmos

Posted by , on 8 May 2023

I recently published a paper that takes inspiration from both the design of telescopes and the eyes of scallops to come up with a novel way of building multi-immersion microscope objectives  (F. Voigt et al, Nature Biotechnology, 2023). Bringing together ideas from fields that usually do not communicate with each other resulted in the most

Lessons learned from an open-hardware project in microscopy: The mesoSPIM initiative

Posted by , on 1 July 2020

The mesoscale selective plane illumination microscope (mesoSPIM) is a highly versatile open-source light-sheet microscope for imaging large (cm-sized) cleared tissue samples. Using the documentation and software available via and on Github, interested labs can set up their own microscope.  Currently, ten mesoSPIM instruments are in operation around the globe and several more are under