Hello! I work as a Research Officer for the VolumeEM (vEM) Community. I have experience in EM imaging. Also I work closely with our vEM working groups to develop training materials and outreach the vEM community and research.
Posted by Mario Elias Ortega Sandoval, on 11 October 2024
Using Serial Block-Face-SEM6 and AT-SEM, we characterized the cellular composition and interactions along EndoBVs7. Unlike the BBB, we observed that the vasculature within the endoneurium is not completely covered. Upon closer examination of the cells in contact with EndoBVs, we identified three distinct cell types frequently interacting with the vasculature.Posted by Mario Elias Ortega Sandoval, on 11 October 2024
We congratulate Giulia for being the first recipient of the vEM Ambassador Travel Award! and thank her for advocating for our vEM Community! Giulia Casal is a PhD student in Prof. Alison Lloyd’s lab at the Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology (LMCB) at University College London (UCL), where she is studying the blood nerve barrierPosted by Mario Elias Ortega Sandoval, on 19 July 2024
by de Souza RB*, Meek KM#, Lewis PN#, Pereira LV*. *Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology, University of São Paulo, Brazil #StructuralbBiophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences of the United Kingdom, Cardiff University, UK Challenge Marfan’s syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant disorder that affects the connective tissue, resulting from a mutationPosted by Mario Elias Ortega Sandoval, on 15 January 2024
by Karel Mocaer* and Paolo Ronchi# *Schwab Team and #EMCF, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany Challenge Studying cells or events within their biological context (i.e. in tissues, ecosystem etc…) is highly relevant. However, volume EM techniques are limited in the volume that can be acquired. Therefore, targeting approaches are needed to characterize specific regions of interest. This