
Laurent Thomas

I am working as a bioimage analyst/research-software engineer/data-scientist in the company ACQUIFER in Heidelberg, Germany after having completed my PhD there. I am developing Fiji plugins and KNIME workflows for image-analysis, mostly for application to microscopy screening on zebrafish. I am particularly keen on object-detection with OpenCV, and on making cool stuff with ROIs in ImageJ/Fiji.

About Laurent Thomas

Scientific field: Biotechnology, Bioimage analysis

Microscopy background: Image Analysis

Posts by Laurent Thomas

A career path to bioimage analysis

Posted by , on 9 December 2020

I am currently working in Heidelberg, Germany, finishing my PhD thesis between the medical university of Heidelberg and the microscopy company ACQUIFER. My research project is dedicated to the development of user-oriented software solutions (Fiji plugins, KNIME workflows…) to facilitate the handling and analysis of large microscopy datasets of 2D images. The project is motivated