
Sophie Morgani

I am a first-generation student from the West Midlands, UK. I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester and, during this time, developed a keen interest in stem cell biology that I went on to pursue as a PhD at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh. I am currently a joint post-doctoral fellow between the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, UK and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA. My scientific passion is early embryology and I love acquiring beautiful images to facilitate the communication of science to a broader audience.

Posts by Sophie Morgani

Science and Art – the not so odd couple?

Posted by , on 31 July 2020

At a first, superficial glance, you could be forgiven for placing scientists and artists at the opposite ends of the career spectrum. Scientists need to be accurate and methodical. They must generate highly reproducible data while adhering to strict regulations. On the other hand, artists are often stereotyped as disorganized, free spirits, ungoverned by rules,

Recent gallery items by Sophie Morgani