
Christos Kyprianou

Post-doctoral research fellow at the Wyss Institute for biologically inspired engineering. I am currently working on organ-on-a-chip technology to recapitulate bone marrow physiology. Previously, did my PhD on mouse embryo development and morphogenesis at the University of Cambridge in Prof. Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz's lab.

About Christos Kyprianou

Scientific field: Cell biology

Posts by Christos Kyprianou

A welcome message from the Community Manager

Posted by , on 1 July 2020

Hello everyone and welcome to FocalPlane! My name is Christos and I joined the Journal of Cell Science team at The Company of Biologists as the FocalPlane Community Manager about 9 months ago to help build and manage a community website designed to bring experts and non-experts in microscopy together under one roof. My background,

Advancing knowledge in mitochondria division using Dragonfly ultra-fast imaging

Sponsored by Andor, on 1 July 2020

Mitochondria are eukaryotic cellular organelles that are believed to have evolved from a prokaryotic symbiote inside a eukaryotic cell. This small organelle is of vital importance to the cells and organisms since it is the source of cellular energy. Besides their crucial role as an ATP generating unit of the cells, mitochondria have other vital

Recent events by Christos Kyprianou

Microscience Microscopy Congress 2023

A huge and varied scientific conference alongside Europe’s largest free microscopy and imaging exhibition filled with a huge number of free training workshops.

Location: Manchester, UK

Date: 3 July 2023 — 6 July 2023

The 20th International Microscopy Congress

IMC is the Olympics of microscopy; held every four years and attracting delegates from across the
globe. The program will include world-renowned plenary speakers alongside an extensive trade
exhibition where leading suppliers launch ground-breaking new instruments.

Location: Busan, Korea

Date: 25 September 2022 — 30 September 2022

flowcytometryUK 2022

The meeting will highlight advances in flow and image instrumentation, high content screening, cancer and stem cell biology, applications of clinical cytometry and the development of novel probes and approaches in many areas of biomedical research.

Location: Birmingham, UK

Date: 20 July 2022 — 22 July 2022