
Andrey Andreev

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About Andrey Andreev

Scientific field: Neuroscience

Microscopy background: Optical System Development, Image Analysis

Posts by Andrey Andreev

Analyzing calcium imaging data using Python

Posted by , on 27 October 2023

Andrey AndreevCalifornia Institute of Technology, David Prober Calcium imaging allows tracking neural activity in time with single-cell resolution. There are many questions you might be interested in answering using this technique: which cells are tuned to the stimuli? is there periodic activity present in the data? which cells act together? how complex is the activity

First steps for presentation and analysis of calcium imaging data

Posted by , on 6 September 2022

Andrey Andreev, Desiderio AscencioCalifornia Institute of Technology, David Prober Calcium imaging is a widely used tool in neuroscience, and our community now has access to multiple computational tools to process and analyze these data. However, a significant portion of work with imaging data relies on much simpler approaches than offered in these software packages.

A biologist’s checklist for calcium imaging and optogenetic analysis

Posted by , on 12 April 2021

Technological advancement constantly makes these methods more accessible, however, there are a number of understated complexities involved with these types of imaging-based experiments