
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Technology Highlights - Expansion Microscopy

Posted by , on 29 August 2023

Interview with Ana Agostinho and Steven Edwards, at the Advanced Light Microscopy facility at SciLifeLab in Sweden. We are today talking about Expansion Microscopy imaging. Please provide a short summary of this type of imaging and list some applications: Ana: My name is Ana Agostinho and I am a staff scientist at the Advanced Light

Advances in Expansion Microscopy

Posted by , on 4 August 2023

Expansion microscopy was introduced in 2015 by Boyden and his team, revolutionizing the way we see biological samples under a microscope1. Taking advantage of the power of physical enlargement, ExM pushes spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit, allowing us to observe intricate details at previously unimaginable levels. The underlying principle of ExM lies in a