
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

An interview with Lisandra Vila Ellis

Posted by , on 23 July 2024

MiniBio: Lisandra Vila-Elis is Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology at Northwestern University, where she studies the role of a newly discovered endothelial cell population in the lungs, and their relevance to gas diffusion and lung health and disease. Lisandra was born in Cuba, and moved to Ecuador at a young age. She then

An interview with Esley Torres

Posted by , on 2 July 2024

MiniBio: Esley Torres began his career in Cuba, and is currently a postdoctoral scientist and lecturer at Universidad de la República, in Montevideo, Uruguay. Esley began his undergraduate studies in Chemistry and changed directions to pursue an undergraduate degree in Mathematics at the University of Havana, Cuba. He worked at the Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics