Announcement FEBS Advanced Course “Functional imaging of cellular dynamics” 12-18 June 2022, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted by Mark Hink, on 3 March 2022
Now covid restrictions have been lifted in the Netherlands the van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM) is excited to announce this year’s FEBS Advanced Practical course “Functional imaging of cellular dynamics”. The course will be organised by FEBS and LCAM at Amsterdam University, the Netherlands, June 12th-18th 2022.
The ability of cells to perceive and correctly respond to their environment is the basis of development, tissue repair, and immunity as well as normal tissue homeostasis. Errors in the interplay, dynamics or localization of the involved molecules are responsible for many diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity, and diabetes. By increasing the understanding of the complex interplay between these various components and their dynamics over time the related diseases can be treated more effectively. Because of the recent technological revolution in advanced light microscopy (i.e. functional imaging of molecules, development of caged compounds and biosensors) it is now possible to directly monitor the dynamics of these (single) molecules and numerous biosensors in living cells. Microscopic techniques like FRET, FLIM, FRAP & FCS allow to visualize cellular signaling complexes and their dynamics in time and will be the topic of this FEBS practical course.
This 6-days advanced microscopy course for experienced graduate students, postdocs and scientists will integrate theoretical lectures with hands-on experiments and practical experience. National and international experts in the field of microscopy will give an overview of “state-of-the-art” imaging techniques and applications in biological research.
Participants: Max. 20 PhD students, postdocs and other scientists
Level: Experienced microscopist
Costs (including registration, hotel and all meals): 475 € (young academic scientist)
1250 € (Senior or non-academic scientist)
Info and application:
Application deadline: April 1st 2022
Organisers: FEBS & LCAM, contact: Mark Hink (