
Displaying posts in the category: Interviews

An interview with Leandro Lemgruber

Posted by , on 15 March 2022

Leandro Lemgruber is the facility manager of the Glasgow University Imaging facility in Scotland, UK, and has been in this role since 2015. He has worked in several capacities as a microscopist in Brazil, Italy, Germany, the USA and the UK. Leandro began his work in microscopy and parasitology since his undergraduate degree. He did

An interview with Peter O'Toole - part 2

Posted by , on 14 December 2021

Here is the second part of the interview with Peter O’Toole, Director of the Imaging and Cytometry Laboratory at University of York. After learning more about The Microscopist podcast in the first part of the interview, we now focus on his work running an imaging facility. When did you decide to move from academia into

An interview with Peter O'Toole - part 1 (The Microscopists)

Posted by , on 23 November 2021

Have you listened to The Microscopists podcast, hosted by Peter O’Toole, yet? If you haven’t, you are missing out on some really interesting and engaging interviews with researchers making great contributions to the field of microscopy. The podcast was launched in July 2020 and the number of listeners and subscribers has just kept increasing. We

‘Open access to imaging technologies’ - an interview with Euro-BioImaging

Posted by , on 6 August 2021

If you read the blog series ‘Technology Highlights by Euro-BioImaging’, you probably already know Johanna Bischof. She is the Scientific Project Manager at Euro-BioImaging and the person behind the blog series. Her interesting interviews have allowed us to learn more about the Euro-BioImaging nodes and different microscopy techniques such as Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy and

Podcast about Bio-Image Analysis, Microscopy, and Science in General

Posted by , on 7 July 2021

Why a podcast? At my home university, I was formally trained as a chemist. That meant I spent significant amounts of my time in front of the lab bench. I loved lab work, and an important part of the lab’s culture was the radio. There was no successful chemistry without good radio in the background.

Hosting a Focal Plane Journal Club: testimonials from our speakers

Posted by , on 17 March 2021

On 13 May 2020 we hosted our first Journal Club meeting. The aim of these meetings was to select microscopy-related papers and discuss them in a relaxed atmosphere. Everyone was welcome to participate, and we gave special attention to early-career scientists (from undergraduate students to postdocs) who might not have the opportunity to participate in

Going virtual: the successful experience of the I2K2020 conference

Posted by , on 1 March 2021

The ‘ImageJ User and Developer Conference’ was conceived as a conference about ImageJ-based bioimage analysis software, covering the core software as well as its plugins and applications. These conferences were held approximately every two years from 2006 through 2015. In 2018, the conference changed its name to ‘From Images to Knowledge with ImageJ & Friends

Technology highlights - Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI)

Posted by , on 20 January 2021

Interview with Helena Chmelová, Ph.D. from the Light Microscopy Core facility at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself – where you work, what your research focus is? I work at the Light Microscopy Core Facility at the Institute of

Technology highlights - Traction Force Microscopy (TFM)

Posted by , on 9 December 2020

Interview with Aki Stubb, Ph.D. Please tell us a bit about yourself and the facility where you work. My name is Aki Stubb and I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK. I did my PhD in the group of Johanna Ivaska at the Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku and Åbo

Technology highlights - Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)

Posted by , on 25 November 2020

Interview with Prof. Dolf Weijers and Prof. Joris Sprakel from Wageningen University, The Netherlands Tell us a little bit about who you are and about the people involved in the work we are talking about today. This work is a collaboration between the groups of Prof. Dolf Weijers and Prof. Joris Sprakel at Wageningen University,