
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

How Do +TIPs Control Microtubule Dynamics Through Phase Separation?

Posted by , on 31 January 2025

What do you believe drives the precise regulation of microtubule dynamics in eukaryotic cells, allowing them to efficiently divide, move, and communicate? Well, at the heart of this process lies a diverse group of proteins known as microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs), which assemble into highly regulated networks at the growing ends of microtubules. These

Upcoming webinar: A Deep Dive into Biomolecular Condensates Using Single-Molecule FRET

Sponsored by PicoQuant, on 22 November 2023

In a brand-new paper, Ashish Joshi and colleagues from the team of Samrat Mukhopadhyay at IISER Mohali take a close look at the molecular events during phase separation of the FUS protein with single-molecule fluorescence methods. If you want to learn more about these techniques and what they revealed about the complex behavior of the