
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Featured image with Theresa Wiesner

Posted by , on 21 June 2024

Our featured image, acquired by Theresa Wiesner, shows a neuron in dissociated hippocampal culture and was imaged using highly inclined thin illumination microscopy (HiLO). The neuron is transfected with a neurotransmitter (glutamate) sensor and shown in orange. The image was acquired using Nikon Elements software / microscope and post-processing was done using FIJI (ImageJ). Find

A general strategy to develop fluorogenic polymethine dyes for bioimaging

Posted by , on 6 December 2023

by Annabell Martin and Pablo Rivera-Fuentes. Fluorescence imaging is an invaluable tool to study biological processes and further progress depends on the development of novel advanced fluorescent probes. Excitingly, using polymethines as a scaffold for fluorogenic dyes, we have opened up a lot of new avenues for bioimaging.

Technology Highlights - Expansion Microscopy

Posted by , on 29 August 2023

Interview with Ana Agostinho and Steven Edwards, at the Advanced Light Microscopy facility at SciLifeLab in Sweden. We are today talking about Expansion Microscopy imaging. Please provide a short summary of this type of imaging and list some applications: Ana: My name is Ana Agostinho and I am a staff scientist at the Advanced Light