
Fully Funded PhD Studentships: Molecular Cell Biology in Health & Disease

Posted by , on 28 October 2021

Applications are now open for fully funded, 4 year studentships in the Molecular Cell Biology in Health and Disease Programme at the Dunn School of Pathology, the University of Oxford.

The programme offers generous four-year DPhil studentships which cover full fees, pay a tax-free, enhanced stipend of ~£17,609 pa, and provide £5,300 pa for research and travel costs.

Students on this programme start research on their main projects immediately and so they have a full four years to work on their research project. If their work is delayed by the pandemic students will be given a fully funded extension.

Individuals of all nationalities are welcome to apply.

Applications for entry in October 2022 must be submitted before 12 noon, 3rd December 2021.

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