
New funding opportunity from Euro-BioImaging

Posted by , on 3 December 2021

Euro-BioImaging is pleased to announce our first open call for user projects. Send in a proposal by December 15, 2021 to carry out a biological or biomedical imaging project at one of our 33 Nodes, and receive up to 5.000 Euros to cover access, consumables, travel and accommodation costs. Successful applicants will be notified by late January 2022 and projects should start before July 2022. All academic scientists are eligible! Remote projects will also be considered.

Who is eligible

All academic scientists, regardless of gender, nationality, home institution, career phase, or field of interest, are eligible to apply. We strongly encourage early career researchers to apply for this grant.


All applications will be evaluated for scientific excellence by a committee of independent reviewers. Selected projects will be assessed for technical feasibility and if needed receive technical advice from the Node providing the service. 

Full details & apply

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Categories: Highlights from Euro-BioImaging

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