
Engineer position – Screening assay on 3D cell cultures using the soSPIM technology

Posted by , on 21 November 2023

Project Description

Spheroids and organoids have emerged in the last decade as very promising biological models for applications ranging from fundamental research to toxicology assays or drugs screening. However, the difficulties to culture and image them in 3D hamper their full adoption by laboratories and compagnies. In the meantime, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy technics (LSFM) have proven to be extremely efficient for 3D imaging of biological samples at various spatial and temporal scales with minimal photo-damaging effects. However, LSFM technics are usually restricted in the number of sample and/or condition that can be probed due to complex sample mounting constraints. To address those questions, we develop in collaboration with V. Viasnoff and G. Grenci teams at MBI (NUS, Singapore) a culture and imaging platform combining microfabricated micro-wells, with a single-objective-based LSFM architecture named soSPIM [1]. This combination allows to standardize and parallelize both the culture and the imaging of complex 3D biological models, paving the way toward the use of spheroids and organoids in multi-conditions screening experiments [2].

In that perspective, we aim to extend our screening platform capabilities with the development of a multi-condition toxicity assay on 3D hepatic cell cultures. This involves the validation of the 3D culture protocol of relevant hepatic cell lines, the timely delivery of media and chemical compounds, and their quantitative monitoring for phenotypic analysis.

To achieve this goal, we aim to reinforce our team by recruiting an engineer expert in 3D cell culture and comfortable with fluorescence microcopy


The candidate missions will be: i) to adapt the culture protocol of hepatic 3D cell models into the JeWell culture vessels; ii) monitor their evolution along time using the soSPIM-HCS imaging technology; and iii) participate to the development of a complete analysis workflow. She/he will also participate to the development of a custom fluidics system to set-up a multi-condition assay.

Candidate profile

We seek a motivated, enthusiastic and independent candidate, with a strong expertise in biology and microscopy. Complementary skills in fluidics, and/or programming would be appreciated. The candidate will work in an English-speaking environment, in close interactions with biologist (BRIC).


The candidate will be hosted in the Quantitative Imaging of the Cell team, a R&D team with an internationally-recognized expertise in live cell microscopy and quantitative analysis. This project is financed on the ANR project Deep-Hepatoscreen, in collaboration with Frederic Saltel (BRIC) and Macha Nikolski teams (CB&B).


Applicants should send a CV, a motivation letter and contact details for at least two referees to: jean-baptiste.sibarita[at]; remi.galland[at];


[1] Galland, R. et al., 3D high- and super-resolution imaging using single-objective SPIM. Nat Methods 12, 641-644 (2015).

[2] Beghin, A. et al. Automated high-speed 3D imaging of organoid cultures with multi-scale phenotypic quantification. Nat Methods (2022).

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