
Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Image Data

Posted by , on 5 March 2024

The next Euro-BioImaging User Forum will take place on Tuesday, March 26th, 2024, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Image Data.” This event will highlight innovative image analysis and image data management solutions at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. It will feature user presentations as well as presentations from image data and image analysis experts from the Nodes, focusing on the technical aspects of the work.

Full program

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Who should attend:

Researchers from both academia or industry, Master’s and PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, anyone handling image data and interested in the potential of biological and biomedical image analysis & management solutions to boost this research.

Please join us for an exciting event!

User Forum: Image Data
Register for the Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Image Data
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Categories: Highlights from Euro-BioImaging, Blog series

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