
A new bioimaging technical talk series – your opinions please!

Posted by , on 18 August 2020

The RMS and BioImagingUK would like to organise a new series of short talks on the practical side of bioimaging techniques.

One of the few upsides of the pandemic has been the availability of excellent talks online, however few have focused on the hands on work of running imaging experiments. Therefore we think this series meets a need in the community. The videos will be freely available on the new RMS YouTube channel and could serve as valuable training resources, with a shorter length of between 10–30 min helping to prevent screen fatigue. A working title to help you imagine this concept is “Zoom in – Technical Tea Breaks for Imaging Scientists”.

You can help by filling in this very short google form

The more input we get the better, so please forward to relevant people and networks. The form is anonymous unless you want to get more involved.

Thank you!

Georgina Fletcher, Nicola Lawrence, Liam Rooney and Alex Sossick
The fledgling organisers of technical tea breaks!

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