FocalPlane 1-year Anniversary image competition voting is open!
Posted by FocalPlane, on 4 August 2021
After 1 month of image submissions we are happy to announce that the image competition gallery is complete and voting is open (until 11 August, 5pm UK time). We have 64 fantastic images from 30 different people, covering a range of different microscopy techniques such as widefield, confocal, spinning disk, super-resolution, and electron microscopy. To see our competition gallery and vote for your favourite image to be featured on the cover of Journal of Cell Science in October, click on the link below:
FocalPlane image competition submissions gallery and voting
Big thanks to all our contestants for their contributions, and good luck to all of them:
Aditya Kanwal, Amy Engevik, Andrew Moore, Asif Ahmad Bakshi, Badwi Boumelhem, Cesar Cunha, Chanchal Sur Chowdhury, Davide Aprile, Diogo Vila Verde, Elisabeth Kugler, Elison Blancaflor, Eric Hall, Farzaneh Mirfakhar, Jose Manuel Martinez Lopez, Kevin Mackenzie, Leandro Lemgruber Soares, Ludovico Rizzuti, Mariana Afonso Barata, Marlene Faria Pereira, Meng Zhu, Mindy Engevik, Ravindra Zirmire, Sounak Sahu, Sylwia Czukiewska, Tatiana Burrinha, Taylor Ticer, Tejeshwar C Rao, Thomas Chater, Tim Petzold, and Tim Young.