Development presents… an Imaging Special
Posted by Helen Zenner, on 12 October 2021
Development presents… is a webinar series hosted by Development. The webinars are chaired each month by a different Development Editor, who invites talks from authors of exciting new papers and preprints. First authors are particularly encouraged to present their work – we hope the series will become a forum for supporting early-career researchers. As well as presentations and live Q&A sessions, you’ll also get the chance to meet the speakers and fellow participants at interactive virtual tables.
Wednesday 13 October 2021 – 15:00 BST (GMT+1)
For our eleventh webinar in the Development presents… series, Development Editor-in-Chief James Briscoe (The Francis Crick Institute) has invited three authors from our Special Issue: Imaging Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration to share their research

Daisy Vinter (PhD Student, Ashe lab, University of Manchester)
‘Dynamics of hunchback translation in real time and at single mRNA resolution in the Drosophila embryo’
Ping Wu (Associate Professor, Chuong lab, University of Southern California)
‘Cyclic growth of dermal papilla and regeneration of follicular mesenchymal components during feather cycling’
Yan Gong and Dominique Bergmann (Bergmann lab, Stanford University)
‘The Arabidopsis stomatal polarity protein BASL mediates distinct processes before and after cell division to coordinate cell size and fate asymmetries’
The webinar will be held in Remo, our browser-based conferencing platform. After the talks you’ll have the chance to meet the speakers and other participants at virtual conference tables. If you can’t make it on the day, talks will be available to watch after the event on the Node. You can also sign up to our mailing list for email alerts.