
Research Associate at UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core facility

Posted by , on 9 November 2021

The UNC Neuroscience Center is seeking a full-time microscopy specialist to assist in daily operations and growth of the UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core facility. The UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core provides support for UNC faculty and student research with six microscopes and two state-of-the-art analysis workstations. We are seeking a dedicated person passionate about microscopy and helping life sciences researchers get the most out of today’s innovative microscopes. This position will be primarily responsible for providing support to the users of the Core, by consulting with researchers on their imaging projects and performing training for users on routine and advanced microscopy systems. The candidate will modify and continue to develop protocols for training, maintenance and reproducibility. The candidate will also have the opportunity to assist with preparation of manuscripts, reports and grant applications, and present research and core facility management findings at national and international meetings. The candidate should have strong interpersonal and communication skills; both written and verbal; independent critical thinking and problem solving ability; flexibility; and excellent attention to detail. Experience in a fast-paced, multi-tasking environment and the ability to work independently is desired. Previous imaging/confocal knowledge and hands-on experience with routine and advanced multi-color experiments is desirable. This position reports to the Core Director, Dr. Michelle Itano.

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