Microscopy preprints – applications in cell biology
Posted by FocalPlane, on 23 September 2022
Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in cell biology.
Determination of oligomeric states of proteins via dual-color colocalization with single molecule localization microscopy
Hua Leonhard Tan, Stefanie Bungert-Plümke, Daniel Kortzak, Christoph Fahlke, Gabriel Stölting
Comparative analysis of actin visualization by genetically encoded probes in cultured neurons
Attila Ignácz, Domonkos Nagy-Herczeg, Angelika Hausser, Katalin Schlett

Distinct nano-structures support a multifunctional role of actin at presynapses
Dominic Bingham, Florian Wernert, Julie Da Costa Moura, Fanny Boroni-Rueda, Nikki van Bommel, Ghislaine Caillol, Marie-Jeanne Papandréou, Christophe Leterrier
Super-resolution imaging reveals dynamic skeletal cytoophidia
Yifan Fang, Yi-Lan Li, Xiao-Ming Li, Ji-Long Liu

Membrane contact site detection (MCS-DETECT) reveals dual control of rough mitochondria-ER contacts
Ben Cardoen, Kurt R Vandevoorde, GUANG GAO, Parsa Alan, William Liu, Ellie Tiliakou, A Wayne Vogl, Ghassan Hamarneh, Ivan R Nabi
Quantification of live cell membrane compartmentalization with high-speed single lipid tracking through interferometric Scattering Microscopy
Francesco Reina, Christian Eggeling, B. Christoffer Lagerholm

Nanoscale structural organization and stoichiometry of the budding yeast kinetochore
Konstanty Cieslinski, Yu-Le Wu, Lisa Nechyporenko, Sarah Janice Hoerner, Duccio Conti, Michal Skruzny, Jonas Ries

A systematic, cell-based comparison of G-protein binding domains for their potential as localization-based, genetically encoded biosensors of Cdc42 or Rac activity
Eike K. Mahlandt, Anna O. Chertkova, Joachim Goedhart

Cryo-plasma FIB/SEM volume imaging of biological specimens
Maud Dumoux, Thomas Glen, Elaine M. L. Ho, Luis M. A. Perdigão, Sven Klumpe, Neville B. Y. Yee, David Farmer, Jake L. R. Smith, Pui Yiu Audrey Lai, William Bowles, Ron Kelley, Jürgen M. Plitzko, Liang Wu, Mark Basham, Daniel K. Clare, C. Alistair Siebert, Michele C. Darrow, James H. Naismith, Michael Grange

Real-time TIRF imaging of exocytosis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes stably expressing mCherry fused to human adiponectin
Man Mohan Shrestha, Sebastian Barg, Charlotta S. Olofsson
Motion of single molecular tethers reveals dynamic subdomains at ER-mitochondria contact sites
Christopher J. Obara, Jonathon Nixon-Abell, Andrew S. Moore, Federica Riccio, David P. Hoffman, Gleb Shtengel, C. Shan Xu, Kathy Schaefer, H. Amalia Pasolli, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Harald F. Hess, Christopher P. Calderon, Craig Blackstone, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz

Revealing the structure of somatic cell membranes by in situ cryo-electron tomography
Chao Liu, Yiting Zhou, Tianyi Zou, Guanfang Zhao, Jinrui Zhang, Huili Wang, Hongda Wang
A network of mixed actin polarity in the leading edge of spreading cells
Wen-Lu Chung, Matthias Eibauer, Wenhong Li, Rajaa Boujemaa-Paterski, Benjamin Geiger, Ohad Medalia

Optimized fluorescent proteins for 4-color and photoconvertible live-cell imaging in Neurospora crassa
Ziyan Wang, Bradley M. Bartholomai, Jennifer J. Loros, Jay C. Dunlap
Cryogenic electron tomography reveals novel structures in the apical complex of Plasmodium falciparum
Stella Y. Sun, Li-av Segev-Zarko, Grigore D. Pintilie, Chi Yong Kim, Sophia R. Staggers, Michael F. Schmid, Elizabeth S. Egan, Wah Chiu, John C. Boothroyd

Cell adhesion and spreading on fluid membranes through microtubules-dependent mechanotransduction
Oleg Mikhajlov, Ram M. Adar, Maria Tătulea-Codrean, Anne-Sophie Macé, John Manzi, Fanny Tabarin, Aude Battistella, Fahima di Federico, Jean-Francois Joanny, Guy Tran van Nhieu, Patricia Bassereau