
Displaying posts in the category: Interviews

An interview with Carlos Bustamante

Posted by , on 11 July 2023

MiniBio: Carlos Bustamante is a HHMI investigator and full professor at University of California at Berkeley, where he leads a lab focusing on single molecule force spectroscopy. From an early age, Carlos was attracted to science, and at age 15, with the help of his family, set up his own lab in his parent’s house.

An interview with Marco Andrés Romero Carvajal

Posted by , on 4 July 2023

MiniBio: Dr. Andrés Romero-Carvajal is a group leader and principal investigator at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, where his lab focuses on Developmental Biology and Regeneration using different models like poison frogs, zebrafish and planaria. He studied his undergraduate degree at the same University, under the supervision of Prof. Emeritus Eugenia del Pino, from whom

The FocalPlane correspondents: Mariana De Niz

Posted by , on 27 June 2023

At the beginning of the year, we announced that we will be working with three correspondents, who will be helping us to develop and write content for FocalPlane. We caught up with each of them to chat about their research backgrounds and the topics that they’re excited to write about. This interview is with Mariana

An interview with Dario Fernando Cueva Granda

Posted by , on 27 June 2023

MiniBio: Dario Cueva is a MSc student at Universidad de San Francisco de Quito, working on biofilms in the lab of Prof. Antonio Machado (also interviewed in this series). Dario studied Biotechnology at the same university. He has used light and electron microscopy to study biofilms and bacteriophages. In this interview he tells us about

An interview with Jose Antonio Baptista Machado

Posted by , on 20 June 2023

MiniBio: Dr. Jose Antonio Baptista Machado is a principal investigator and lecturer at Universidad de San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador, where him and his group focus on the study of biofilms. Antonio studied his undergraduate studies in Evora, Portugal, and his graduate studies in Minho, Portugal. After finishing his PhD in 2014, he was

An interview with Veronica Eisner

Posted by , on 13 June 2023

MiniBio: Dr. Veronica Eisner is a professor at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, where she leads a lab since 2015, focusing on mitochondrial dynamics and their link to physio pathological processes. In parallel, she is the Academic Director of the Advanced Microscopy Unit at the same University, and has been in multiple leadership roles of

An interview with Brenda Delfin

Posted by , on 6 June 2023

MiniBio: Brenda Delfin is a researcher at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, in Lima, Peru. She is a Biologist by training, and has specialized in Neuroscience. She is currently head of the animal house and interim leader of the Neuroscience of development lab at UPCH. Joining her expertise in neuroscience and her passion for teaching, learning

An interview with Mirko Zimic

Posted by , on 30 May 2023

MiniBio: Dr. Mirko Zimic is a principal investigator at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) since 2002, where he focuses on the study of tuberculosis using biomedical, biochemical, biophysical and bioinformatics approaches. Mirko began his career studying Physics at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, in Peru. He later studied a Masters degree in Biochemistry at UPCH, and

An interview with Rosa Isela Gálvez

Posted by , on 23 May 2023

MiniBio: Dr. Rosa Isela Gálvez is currently a postdoctoral fellow at La Jolla Institute for Immunology, where she is characterizing human T cell responses to different viral pathogens, vaccines and exposed populations in endemic regions. She has done most of her career in Germany. She studied her undergraduate degree at the University of Hamburg. She

An interview with Iskra Tuero

Posted by , on 16 May 2023

MiniBio: Dr. Iskra Tuero is a principal investigator at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, where she leads the laboratory of Immunobiology of Infections since 2017. Iskra studied for her undergraduate degree in Cusco, Peru, at Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad. During this time, she found a passion for Biochemistry, which she continued to pursue during