
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Crick Bioimage Analysis Symposium 2023 - a Review

Posted by , on 22 December 2023

(By Vanessa Dao, Hradini Konthalapalli, Olatz Niembro Vivanco, Karishma Valand) The Crick Bioimage Analysis Symposium had its first in-person meeting in 2022. This year, #CBIAS2023 gathered around 200 people on site and 80 virtually. It has been an exciting two days of bringing biomedical researchers and their questions together with image analysis and their techniques.

PoLBIAS23 - Event Reflections and Revelations

Posted by , on 8 September 2023

Reflections and Revelations: Highlights from #PoLBIAS23 - A Symposium on Bioimage Analysis. This blog showcases a summary, as well as a reflection on open questions and community efforts,.