Microscopy preprints – applications in cell biology and more
Posted by FocalPlane, on 25 February 2022
Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in different fields such as cell biology, plant biology, microbiology, and neuroscience.
Actin-microtubule dynamic composite forms responsive active matter with memory. Ondrej Kucera, Jeremie Gaillard, Christophe Guerin, Manuel Thery, Laurent Blanchoin

The architecture of the actin network can balance the pushing forces produced by growing microtubules. Shohei Yamamoto, Jeremie Gaillard, Benoit Vianay, Christophe Guerin, Magali Orhant-Prioux, Laurent Blanchoin, Manuel Thery

Actin networks modulate heterogenous NF-κB dynamics in response to TNFα. Francesca Butera, Julia E Sero, Lucas G Dent, Chris Bakal

Pericentrin is a Kinesin-1 Activator that Drives Centriole Motility. Matthew R Hannaford, Rong Liu, Neil Billington, Zachary T Swider, Brian J Galletta, Carey J Fagerstrom, Christian Combs, James R Sellers, Nasser M Rusan

Cryo-EM structure of an active central apparatus. Long Han, Qinhui Rao, Renbin Yang, Yue Wang, Pengxin Chai, Yong Xiong, Kai Zhang

Fat2 polarizes the WAVE complex in trans to align cell protrusions for collective migration. Audrey M Williams, Seth Donoughe, Edwin Munro, Sally Horne-Badovinac

Matrix viscoelasticity controls spatio-temporal tissue organization. Alberto Elosegui-Artola, Anupam Gupta, Alexander J Najibi, Bo Ri Seo, Ryan Garry, Christina M Tringides, Irene de Lázaro, Max Darnell, Wei Gu, Qiao Zhou, David Weitz, L Mahadevan, David Mooney

In vivo imaging of calcium dynamics in zebrafish hepatocytes. Macarena Pozo-Morales, Ines Garteizgogeascoa, Camille Perazzolo, Sumeet Pal Singh

Mitochondrial Network Configuration Influences Sarcomere and Myosin Filament Structure in Striated Muscles. Prasanna Katti, Alexander S. Hall, Peter T. Ajayi, Yuho Kim, T. Bradley Willingham, Christopher K. E. Bleck, Han Wen, Brian Glancy

Reconstitution of muscle cell microtubule organization in vitro. Rebecca Heald, Ambika Nadkarni

A Microtubule Mechanostat Enables Cells to Navigate Confined Environments. Robert J. Ju, Alistair D. Falconer, Caitlyn K.X. Tang, Kevin M. Dean, Reto P. Fiolka, David P. Sester, Max Nobis, Paul Timpson, Alexis J. Lomakin, Melanie D. White, Dietmar B. Oelz, Nikolas K. Haass, Samantha J. Stehbens

Septins mediate a microtubule-actin crosstalk that enables actin growth on microtubules. Konstantinos Nakos, Megan R Radler, Ilona A Kesisova, Megan R Tomasso, Shae B. Padrick, Elias T Spiliotis

Pectin cell wall remodeling through PLL12 and callose deposition through polar CALS7 are necessary for long-distance phloem transport. Lothar Kalmbach, Matthieu Bourdon, Jung-ok Heo, Sofia Otero, Bernhard Blob, Yrjo Helariutta

Endothelial transmigration hotspots limit vascular leakage through heterogeneous expression of ICAM1. Max L.B. Grönloh, Janine J.G. Arts, Sebastián Palacios Martínez, Amerens A. van der Veen, Lanette Kempers, Abraham C.I. van Steen, Joris J.T.H. Roelofs, Martijn A. Nolte, Joachim Goedhart, Jaap D. van Buul

Human endothelial cells display a rapid and fluid flow dependent tensional stress increase in response to tumor necrosis factor-α. Matthias Brandt, Volker Gerke, Timo Betz

3D-imaging reveals conserved cerebrospinal fluid drainage via meningeal lymphatic vasculature in mice and humans. Laurent Jacob, Jose de Brito Neto, Stephanie Lenck, Celine Corcy, Farhat Benbelkacem, Luiz Henrique Medeiros Geraldo, Yunling Xu, Jean-Mickael Thomas, Marie-Renee El Kamouh, Marie-Claude Potier, Stephane Haik, Stephane Lehericy, Anne Eichmann, Jean-Leon Thomas

Amacrine cells shape retinal functions while dynamically preserving circuits for colour vision. Xinwei Wang, Paul A Roberts, Takeshi Yoshimatsu, Leon Lagnado, Tom Baden

A brain atlas of the camouflaging dwarf cuttlefish, Sepia bandensis. Tessa G. Montague, Isabelle J. Rieth, Sabrina Gjerswold-Selleck, Daniella Garcia-Rosales, Sukanya Aneja, Dana Elkis, Nanyan Zhu, Sabrina Kentis, Frederick A. Rubino, Adriana Nemes, Katherine Wang, Luke A. Hammond, Roselis Emiliano, Rebecca A. Ober, Jia Guo, Richard Axel

Cell cycle dynamics controls fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium. Laura Bocanegra-Moreno, Amrita Singh, Edouard Hannezo, Marcin Zagorski, Anna Kicheva

Morphological analysis of human and mouse dendritic spines reveals a morphological continuum and differences across ages and species. Netanel Ofer, Ruth Benavides-Piccione, Javier DeFelipe, Rafael Yuste

Septin-Mediated Mechanobiological Reprogramming of T Cell Transmigration and 3D Motility. Alexander S. Zhovmer, Alexis Manning, Chynna Smith, Yashavantha L. Vishweshwaraiah, Jian Wang, Pablo J. Sáez, Xuefei Ma, Alexander X. Cartagena-Rivera, Rakesh K. Singh, Nikolay V. Dokholyan, Erdem D. Tabdanov

Cell cycle and developmental control of cortical excitability in Xenopus laevis. Zac T Swider, Ani Michaud, Marcin Leda, Jennifer Landino, Andrew B Goryachev, William M Bement

Developmental origins of cell heterogeneity in the human lung. Alexandros Sountoulidis, Sergio Marco Salas, Emelie Braun, Christophe Avenel, Joseph Bergenstråhle, Marco Vicari, Paulo Czarnewski, Jonas Theelke, Andreas Liontos, Xesus Abalo, Žaneta Andrusivová, Michaela Asp, Xiaofei Li, Lijuan Hu, Sanem Sariyar, Anna Martinez Casals, Burcu Ayoglu, Alexandra Firsova, Jakob Michaëlsson, Emma Lundberg, Carolina Wählby, Erik Sundström, Sten Linnarsson, Joakim Lundeberg, Mats Nilsson, Christos Samakovlis

Live-Cell Imaging in Human Colonic Monolayers Reveals Erk Waves Limit the Stem Cell Compartment to Maintain Epithelial Homeostasis. Kelvin W. Pond, Olga Alkhimenok, Jayati Chakrabarti, Yana Zavros, Curtis A Thorne, Andrew L Paek

Architecture and self-assembly of the jumbo bacteriophage nuclear shell. Thomas G. Laughlin, Amar Deep, Amy M. Prichard, Christian Seitz, Yajie Gu, Eray Enustun, Sergey Suslov, Kanika Khanna, Erica A. Birkholz, Emily Armbruster, J. Andrew McCammon, Rommie E. Amaro, Joe Pogliano, Kevin D. Corbett, Elizabeth Villa

A centimeter-long bacterium with DNA compartmentalized in membrane-bound organelles. Jean-Marie Volland, Silvina Gonzalez-Rizzo, Olivier Gros, Tomáš Tyml, Natalia Ivanova, Frederik Schulz, Danielle Goudeau, Nathalie H Elisabeth, Nandita Nath, Daniel Udwary, Rex R Malmstrom, Chantal Guidi-Rontani, Susanne Bolte-Kluge, Karen M Davies, Maïtena R Jean, Jean-Louis Mansot, Nigel J Mouncey, Esther Angert, Tanja Woyke, Shailesh V Date