
Imaging Cell Dynamics meeting

Posted by , on 17 October 2022

Join Journal of Cell Science at their 2023 meeting on Imaging Cell Dynamics taking place 14 -17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.

FocalPlane Scientific Advisory Board member Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz is one of the organisers and fellow board members Ricardo Henriques and Christopher Leterrier are amongst the invited speakers.

The meeting represents a unique opportunity to bring together many different experts working at the interface between cell biology and imaging who use advanced light and electron microscopy approaches, as well as leading developers of imaging analysis approaches. With talks from an outstanding list of speakers and selected delegates, we hope to delve further into this important area of research and inspire PIs, postdocs and students.

Topics include:

  • Super resolution imaging
  • Correlative light and electron microscopy
  • Cryo-electron tomography
  • Organelle dynamics
  • Membrane trafficking
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Neurons and neurodegeneration
  • Tissue dynamics
  • Immune response

Pestana Palace Hotel – the conference venue

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