The Company of Biologists Workshops 2025
Posted by FocalPlane, on 12 June 2023
Do you have an idea for a new Workshop, but are not sure that you have time to take care of all the planning? You can apply to organise a Workshop with The Company of Biologists and while you take care of the science, our events team will organise the logistics of the meeting. We are looking for topics that address cutting-edge science on emerging themes, with an emphasis on proposals that bring together communities that might not traditionally communicate.
Check out our video to hear from previous organisers:
In 2025, we will be reserving one space for a Workshop hosted in a Global South country, bringing together scientists from the home country and abroad, as well as giving opportunities for local early-career researchers to attend.

Deadline for proposals: 30 June 2023
For more details:
Applications are also open for ECRs to attend our 2024 Workshop on ‘Effectively Communicating Bioimage Analysis’ organised by Beth Cimini and Kevin Eliceiri.
Find out more about the Workshop and how to apply: