FocalPlane features… Microscopy Education
Posted by FocalPlane, on 28 March 2024

In our upcoming FocalPlane features… webinar, we’re focussing on microscopy education with talks from Jennifer Waters (Director of the Nikon Imaging Center and Lecturer in Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School) and Robert Haase (Training Coordinator at ScaDS.AI, Leipzig University).
Jennifer has been a pioneer in microscopy education over the last 25+ years. She has organised numerous courses and workshops, as well as releasing online resources such as Microcourses and an exciting new venture that she’ll discuss in our webinar.
Robert became involved in the teaching of bioimage analysis through NEUBIAS (Network of European BioImage Analysts). As well as creating training materials, Robert advocates for accessibility of training resources and is the coordinator of GloBIAS (Global BioImage Analysts’ Society).
The previous webinar in our FocalPlane features…series was on microscopy-based outreach. You can find the recordings here.