FocalPlane features… data management
Posted by FocalPlane, on 22 August 2024
Our next FocalPlane features… webinar is on data management with talks from Tom Boissonnet and Caterina Strambio De Castillia. As part of this webinar, we’ll also hear about foundingGIDE, and the upcoming community event, from Maria Mirza.

With the amount and size of imaging data constantly increasing, data management is becoming an ever more important topic, but one that is often neglected by microscopists. In this webinar, Tom Boissonnet and Caterina Strambio De Castillia, who are both experts in data management but with backgrounds in biological research, discuss how to approach data management and share their tips and tricks to ensuring you have a robust pipeline in place. We’ll also have time for questions following the talks.