
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Featured image with Julien Rességuier

Posted by , on 22 December 2023

Our featured image, acquired by Julien Rességuier, shows the branchial cavity lymphoid architecture of an adult zebrafish. It is a 2D projection of a 3D multi-field of view acquisition of a transversal cryosection (30 μm) that has been stained with fluorescent phalloidin (inverted LUT – grey/copper) and DAPI (blue) to reveal tissue structures and labelled

Using the Dragonfly Spinning Disk Confocal to Understand the Molecular Basis of Epigenetics

Sponsored by Andor, on 28 March 2022

Silviya Dimova: Uncovering the Epigenetic Role of PRC2 in the Meehan Laboratory Epigenetics is the study of transmissible modifications in gene expression that are not encrypted in the genomic DNA, and for this reason, are named (Epi)genetic – (Above)genetics.  Epigenetics is linked with chemical modifications to DNA or chromatin proteins. A common epigenetic modification is DNA

Postdoc in Bioimaging and 3D bioprinting

Posted by , on 20 January 2021

A 2-year postdoc position is available in the Microenvironmental Ecology and Symbiosis group(see at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen Application deadline is February 1, earliest start can be April 1 or later in 2021.Apply via this link: I am looking for talented scientists with a PhD (or in the final phase

Technology highlights - Spinning Disk Microscopy

Posted by , on 14 October 2020

Interview with Stoyno Stoynov, Ph.D. from the Center of Advanced Microscopy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria. Tell us a bit about the facility you run and what your focus is. The Bulgarian Node of Euro-Bioimaging ERIC is based in the Institute of Molecular Biology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. Our node is part