New FocalPlane features… webinar series
Posted by FocalPlane, on 22 February 2024
We are excited to announce a new series of FocalPlane features… webinars. We’ve planned an initial programme of six talks and we’d love to hear feedback on what webinar topics that we should cover in the future.
Our first webinar, on 7 March at 15:00 GMT (10:00 PET) focusses on outreach projects using microscopy, with talks from Paola Moreno-Roman from Foldscope, who is currently running outreach activities in Peru and Martin Jones from The Francis Crick Institute, who has been involved in outreach projects on electron microscopy and image analysis. Unfortunately, Alex Strachan is not able to give his talk on Thursday.

Thursday 7 March, 15:00 GMT – FocalPlane features… microscopy-based outreach with Paola Moreno-Roman, Alexander Strachan and Martin Jones
Thursday 25 April – FocalPlane features… microscopy education with Jennifer Waters and Robert Haase
Thursday 16 May – FocalPlane features… open microscopy and accessible workflows with Richard Bowman, Jan Huisken and Dumisile Lumkwana
Dates TBC:
FocalPlane features… data management
FocalPlane features… reproducibility
FocalPlane features… citizen science