Microscopy preprints – applications in biology
Posted by FocalPlane, on 8 March 2024
Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we share preprints that use microscopy tools to answer questions in biology.
Mitochondrial dynamics regulate cell size in the developing cochlea
James DB O’Sullivan, Stephen Terry, Claire A Scott, Anwen Bullen, Daniel J Jagger, Zoe F Mann
Light-microscopy based dense connectomic reconstruction of mammalian brain tissue
Mojtaba R. Tavakoli, Julia Lyudchik, Michał Januszewski, Vitali Vistunou, Nathalie Agudelo, Jakob Vorlaufer, Christoph Sommer, Caroline Kreuzinger, Barbara Oliveira, Alban Cenameri, Gaia Novarino, Viren Jain, Johann Danzl
Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexity (IBEX) imaging facilitates simultaneous identification of all cell types in the vertebrate retina
Aanandita Kothurkar, Gregory S. Patient, Nicole C. L. Noel, Colin J. Chu, Ryan B. MacDonald
Microtubule-dependent orchestration of centriole amplification in brain multiciliated cells
Amélie-Rose Boudjema, Rémi Balagué, Cayla E Jewett, Gina M LoMastro, Olivier Mercey, Adel Al Jord, Marion Faucourt, Alexandre Schaeffer, Camille Noûs, Nathalie Delgehyr, Andrew J Holland, Nathalie Spassky, Alice Meunier

Cilia-mediated cerebrospinal fluid flow modulates neuronal and astroglial activity in the zebrafish larval brain
Percival P. D’Gama, Inyoung Jeong, Andreas Moe Nygård, Ahmed Jamali, Emre Yaksi, Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi
Regulatory role of cholesterol in modulating actin dynamics and cell adhesive interactions in the trabecular meshwork
Ting Wang, Hannah R C Kimmel, Charles Park, Hyeon Ryoo, Jing Liu, Gregory H Underhill, Padmanabhan P Pattabiraman
Visualizing chaperone-mediated multistep assembly of the human 20S proteasome
Frank Adolf, Jiale Du, Ellen A. Goodall, Richard M. Walsh Jr, Shaun Rawson, Susanne von Gronau, J. Wade Harper, John Hanna, Brenda A. Schulman
Tracking exocytic vesicle movements with MSP-tracker/viewer reveals the spatial control of secretion in epithelial cells
Jennifer H. Richens, Mariia Dmitrieva, Helen L. Zenner, Nadine Muschalik, Richard Butler, Jade Glashauser, Carolina Camelo, Stefan Luschnig, Sean Munro, Jens Rittscher, Daniel St Johnston
Plasmodium NEK1 coordinates MTOC organisation and kinetochore attachment during rapid mitosis in male gamete formation
Mohammad Zeeshan, Ravish Rashpa, David J. Ferguson, George Mckeown, Raushan Nugmanova, Amit K. Subudhi, Raphael Beyeler, Sarah L. Pashley, Robert Markus, Declan Brady, Magali Roques, Andrew R. Bottrill, Andrew M. Fry, Arnab Pain, Sue Vaughan, Anthony A. Holder, Eelco C. Tromer, Mathieu Brochet, Rita Tewari
Hepatoblast iterative apicobasal polarization is regulated by extracellular matrix remodeling
Julien Delpierre, José Ignacio Valenzuela, Matthew Bovyn, Nuno Pimpao Martins, Lenka Belicova, Urska Repnik, Maarten Bebelman, Sarah Seifert, Pierre A Haas, Yannis L Kalaidzidis, Marino Zerial
nERdy: network analysis of endoplasmic reticulum dynamics
Ashwin Samudre, Guang Gao, Ben Cardoen, Ivan Robert Nabi, Ghassan Hamarneh
Microglia-astrocyte crosstalk regulates synapse remodeling via Wnt signaling
Travis E. Faust, Yi-Han Lee, Ciara D. O’Connor, Margaret A. Boyle, Georgia Gunner, Ana Badimon, Pinar Ayata, Anne Schaefer, Dorothy P. Schafer

STRIPAK controls cell-cell communication by promoting cytoneme biogenesis through the membrane-sculpting function of Slik.
Basile Rambaud, Mathieu Joseph, Feng-Ching Tsai, Camille Valerie De Jamblinne, Emmanuelle Del Guidice, Renata Sabelli, Patricia Bassereau, David R Hipfner, Sebastien Carreno
A quantitative ultrastructural timeline of nuclear autophagy reveals a role for dynamin-like protein 1 at the nuclear envelope
Philip J. Mannino, Andrew Perun, Ivan Surovstev, Nicholas R. Ader, Lin Shao, Thomas J. Melia, Megan C. King, C. Patrick Lusk
Reactive oxygen species suppress phagocyte surveillance by oxidizing cytoskeletal regulators
Iuliia Ferling, Steffen Pfalzgraf, Lea Moutounet, Lanhui Qiu, Iris Li, Yuhuan Zhou, Spencer A. Freeman, Sergio Grinstein
Photoreceptor calyceal processes accompany the developing outer segment, adopting a stable length despite a dynamic core
Maria Sharkova, Gonzalo Aparicio, Constantin Mouzaaber, Flavio R Zolessi, Jennifer C Hocking
Immuno-Scanning Electron Microscopy of Islet Primary Cilia
Sanja Sviben, Alexander J. Polino, Isabella Melena, Jing W. Hughes
Expansion microscopy reveals unique ultrastructural features of pathogenic budding yeast species
Md. Hashim Reza, Srijana Dutta, Rohit Goyal, Hiral Shah, Gautam Dey, Kaustuv Sanyal
Bilateral regulation of EGFR activity and local PI dynamics observed with superresolution microscopy
Mitsuhiro Abe, Masataka Yanagawa, Michio Hiroshima, Toshihide Kobayashi, Yasushi Sako
Quantitative Superresolution Imaging of F-Actin in the Cell Body and Cytoskeletal Protrusions Using Phalloidin-Based Single-Molecule Labeling and Localization Microscopy
Hirushi Gunasekara, Thilini Perera, Chih-Jia Chao, Joshua Bruno, Badeia Saed, Jesse Anderson, Zongmin Zhao, Ying Samuel Hu
Characterization of the three-dimensional synaptic and mitochondrial nanoarchitecture within glutamatergic synaptic complexes in postmortem human brain via focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy
Jill R. Glausier, Cedric Bouchet-Marquis, Matthew Maier, Tabitha Banks-Tibbs, Ken Wu, Jiying Ning, Darlene Melchitzky, David A. Lewis, Zachary Freyberg
Graphene microelectrode arrays, 4D structured illumination microscopy, and a machine learning-based spike sorting algorithm permit the analysis of ultrastructural neuronal changes during neuronal signalling in a model of Niemann-Pick disease type C
Meng Lu, Ernestine Hui, Marius Brockhoff, Jakob Trauble, Ana Fernandez-Villegas, Oliver J Burton, Jacob Lamb, Edward Ward, Philippa J Hooper, Wadood Tadbier, Nino F Laubli, Stephan Hofmann, Clemens F Kaminski, Antonio Lombardo, Gabriele S Kaminski Schierle
Cell morphogenesis via shape-guided self-propelled treadmilling actin waves
Kio Yagami, Kentarou Baba, Shinji Misu, Hiroko Katsuno-Kambe, Takunori Minegishi, Kazunori Okano, Yuichi Sakumura, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Naoyuki Inagaki
Label-free phenotyping of human microvessel networks
Luca Rappez, Akinola Akinbote, Marta Cherubini, Virginie Uhlmann, Kristina Haase
High resolution live cell imaging to define ultrastructural and dynamic features of the halotolerant yeast Debaryomyces hansenii
Martha S.C. Xelhuantzi, Daniel Ghete, Amy Milburn, Savvas Ioannou, Phoebe Mudd, Grant Calder, José Ramos, Peter J. O’Toole, Paul G. Genever, Chris MacDonald
The actomyosin system is essential for the integrity of the endosomal system in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei
Fabian Link, Sisco Jung, Xenia Malzer, Felix Zierhut, Antonia Konle, Alyssa Borges, Christopher Batters, Monika Weiland, Mara Pöllmann, An Binh Nguyen, Johannes Kullmann, Claudia Veigel, Markus Engstler, Brooke Morriswood

Nuclear pore complexes undergo Nup221 exchange during blood stage asexual replication of Plasmodium parasites
James Blauwkamp, Sushma V Ambekar, Tahir Hussain, Gunnar R Mair, Josh R. Beck, Sabrina Absalon
3D in vitro modeling of the exocrine pancreatic unit using tomographic volumetric bioprinting
Viola Sgarminato, Jorge Madrid-Wolff, Antoine Boniface, Gianluca Ciardelli, Chiara Tonda-Turo, Christophe Moser
Orientation-Independent-DIC imaging reveals that a transient rise in depletion force contributes to mitotic chromosome condensation
Shiori Iida, Satoru Ide, Sachiko Tamura, Tomomi Tani, Tatsuhiko Goto, Michael Shribak, Kazuhiro Maeshima