Microscopy preprints – applications in biology
Posted by FocalPlane, on 19 April 2024
Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we share preprints that use microscopy tools to answer questions in biology.
Shape dynamics and migration of branched cells on complex networks
Jiayi Liu, Javier Boix-Campos, Jonathan E. Ron, Johan M. Kux, Nir S. Gov, Pablo J. Sáez
Mapping uterine calcium dynamics during the ovulatory cycle in live mice
David J. Combs, Eric M. Moult, Sarah K. England, Adam E. Cohen
A Hollow TFG Condensate Spatially Compartmentalizes the Early Secretory Pathway
William R. Wegeng, Savannah M. Bogus, Miguel Ruiz, Sindy R. Chavez, Khalid S. M. Noori, Ingrid R. Niesman, Andreas M. Ernst

Intestinal tuft cells assemble a cytoskeletal superstructure composed of co-aligned actin bundles and microtubules
Jennifer B. Silverman, Evan E. Krystofiak, Leah R. Caplan, Ken S. Lau, Matthew J. Tyska
Extended culture of 2D gastruloids to model human mesoderm development
Bohan Chen, Hina Khan, Zhiyuan Yu, LiAng Yao, Emily Freeburne, Kyoung Jo, Craig Johnson, Idse Heemskerk
Doublecortin reinforces microtubules to promote growth cone advance in soft environments
Alessandro Dema, Rabab A. Charafeddine, Jeffrey van Haren, Shima Rahgozar, Giulia Viola, Kyle A. Jacobs, Matthew L. Kutys, Torsten Wittmann
Endogenous Nodal switches Wnt interpretation from posteriorization to germ layer differentiation in geometrically constrained human pluripotent cells
Miguel Angel Ortiz-Salazar, Elena Camacho-Aguilar, Aryeh Warmflash

Border-zone cardiomyocytes and macrophages contribute to remodeling of the extracellular matrix to promote cardiomyocyte invasion during zebrafish cardiac regeneration
Florian Constanty, Bailin Wu, Ke-Hsuan Wei, I-Ting Lin, Julia Dallmann, Stefan Guenther, Till Lautenschlaeger, Rashmi Priya, Shih-Lei Lai, Didier Y.R. Stainier, Arica Beisaw
Microtubule poleward flux as a target for modifying chromosome segregation errors
Patrik Risteski, Jelena Martinčić, Erna Tintor, Mihaela Jagrić, Iva M. Tolić
Interplay of actin nematodynamics and anisotropic tension controls endothelial mechanics
Claire A. Dessalles, Nicolas Cuny, Arthur Boutillon, Paul F. Salipante, Avin Babataheri, Abdul I. Barakat, Guillaume Salbreux

Large-scale single-cell profiling of stem cells uncovers redundant regulators of shoot development and yield trait variation
Xiaosa Xu, Michael Passalacqua, Brian Rice, Edgar Demesa-Arevalo, Mikiko Kojima, Yumiko Takebayashi, Benjamin Harris, Hitoshi Sakakibara, Andrea Gallavotti, Jesse Gillis, David Jackson
Topology changes of the regenerating Hydra define actin nematic defects as mechanical organizers of morphogenesis
Yamini Ravichandran, Matthias Vogg, Karsten Kruse, Daniel JG Pearce, Aurélien Roux
Label-free structural imaging of plant roots and microbes using third-harmonic generation microscopy
Daisong Pan, Jose A. Rivera, Peter Kim, Max Miao, Tomáš Tyml, Cristina Rodríguez, Bing Wang, Yasuo Yoshikuni, Nathalie H. Elisabeth, Trent Northen, John P. Vogel, Na Ji
Liquid phase electron microscopy of bacterial ultrastructure
Brian J. Caffrey, Adrián Pedrazo-Tardajos, Emanuela Liberti, Ben Gaunt, Judy S. Kim, Angus I. Kirkland
Ultrastructural Dynamics of Dopaminergic Presynaptic Release Sites revealed by Cryo-correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
Matthew Domenic Lycas, Dustin R. Morado, Ulrik Gether, John A.G. Briggs, Simon Erlendsson

An Open Resource: MR and light sheet microscopy stereotaxic atlas of the mouse brain
Harrison Mansour, Ryan Azrak, James J. Cook, Kathryn J. Hornburg, Yi Qi, Yuqi Tian, Robert W. Williams, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Leonard E. White, G. Allan Johnson
Volume Electron Microscopy Analysis of Synapses in Associative and Primary Regions of the Human Cerebral Cortex
Nicolás Cano-Astorga, Sergio Plaza-Alonso, Javier DeFelipe, Lidia Alonso-Nanclares
Space-time dynamics of genome replication studied with super-resolved microscopy
Márton Gelléri, Michael Sterr, Hilmar Strickfaden, Christoph Cremer, Thomas Cremer, Marion Cremer
Applying 3D correlative structured illumination microscopy and X-ray tomography to characterise herpes simplex virus-1 morphogenesis
Kamal L. Nahas, Viv Connor, Kaveesha J. Wijesinghe, Henry G. Barrow, Ian M. Dobbie, Maria Harkiolaki, Stephen C. Graham, Colin M. Crump
Live microscopy of multicellular spheroids with the multi-modal near-infrared nanoparticles reveals differences in oxygenation gradients
Angela C. Debruyne, Irina A. Okkelman, Nina Heymans, Cláudio Pinheiro, An Hendrix, Max Nobis, Sergey M. Borisov, Ruslan I. Dmitriev
High-content high-resolution microscopy and deep learning assisted analysis reveals host and bacterial heterogeneity during Shigella infection
Ana T. López-Jiménez, Dominik Brokatzky, Kamla Pillay, Tyrese Williams, Gizem Özbaykal Güler, Serge Mostowy
Human CCDC51 and yeast Mdm33 are functionally conserved mitochondrial inner membrane proteins that demarcate a subset of organelle fission events
Alia R. Edington, Olivia M. Connor, Madeleine Marlar-Pavey, Jonathan R. Friedman
Arp2/3-dependent actin assembly shapes endosomes and promotes intracellular trafficking in fission yeast
Alejandro Melero, Olivia Muriel-Lopez, Miguel Basante-Bedoya, Sophie G Martin

Nanoscale cellular organization of viral RNA and proteins in SARS-CoV-2 replication organelles
Leonid Andronov, Mengting Han, Yanyu Zhu, Ashwin Balaji, Anish R. Roy, Andrew E. S. Barentine, Puja Patel, Jaishree Garhyan, Lei S. Qi, W.E. Moerner
Native molecular architectures of centrosomes in C. elegans embryos
Fergus Tollervey, Manolo U. Rios, Evgenia Zagoriy, Jeffrey B. Woodruff, Julia Mahamid

Lysosomal storage disease proteo/lipidomic profiling using nMOST links ferritinophagy with mitochondrial iron deficiencies in cells lacking NPC2
Felix Kraus, Yuchen He, Sharan Swarup, Katherine A. Overmyer, Yizhi Jiang, Johann Brenner, Cristina Capitanio, Anna Bieber, Annie Jen, Nicole M. Nightingale, Benton J. Anderson, Chan Lee, Joao A. Paulo, Ian R. Smith, Jürgen M. Plitzko, Brenda A. Schulman, Florian Wilfling, Joshua J. Coon, J. Wade Harper
The dynamin-related protein Dyn2 is essential for both apicoplast and mitochondrial fission in Plasmodium falciparum
Alexander A. Morano, Wei Xu, Neeta Shadija, Jeffrey D. Dvorin, Hangjun Ke
Multiplexed 3D Analysis of Immune States and Niches in Human Tissue
Clarence Yapp, Ajit J. Nirmal, Felix Zhou, Zoltan Maliga, Juliann B. Tefft, Paula Montero Llopis, George F. Murphy, Christine G. Lian, Gaudenz Danuser, Sandro Santagata, Peter K. Sorger
Septin filament assembly assist the lateral organization of membranes
Fatima El Alaoui, Isabelle Al-Akiki, Sandy Ibanes, Sébastien Lyonnais, David Sanchez-Fuentes, Rudy Desgarceaux, Chantal Cazevieille, Marie-Pierre Blanchard, Andrea Parmeggiani, Adrian Carretero-Genevrier, Simonetta Piatti, Laura Picas

Real-time TIRF imaging of single adiponectin vesicle exocytosis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes stably expressing mCherry fused to human adiponectin
Man Mohan Shrestha, Sebastian Barg, Charlotta S. Olofsson
Exo70 promotes herpesvirus secretory vesicle tethering and virion release in an exocyst complex-dependent manner
Wenqing Ma, Yanan Xu, Jialin Xie, Luteng He, Lin Wang, Jie Yu, Fachao Sun, Daniel Chang He, Hongmei Wang, Hongbin He

Neurofilament accumulation disrupts autophagy in giant axonal neuropathy
Jean-Michel Paumier, James Zewe, Melissa R Pergande, Meghana Venkatesan, Eitan Israeli, Chiranjit Panja, Natasha Snider, Jeffrey Savas, Puneet Opal
Coatomer complex I is required for the transport of SARS-CoV-2 progeny virions from the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment
Ai Hirabayashi, Yukiko Muramoto, Toru Takenaga, Yugo Tsunoda, Mayumi Wakazaki, Mayuko Sato, Yoko Fujita-Fujiharu, Norimichi Nomura, Koji Yamauchi, Chiho Onishi, Masahiro Nakano, Kiminori Toyooka, Takeshi Noda

Multiplexed DNA-PAINT Imaging of the Heterogeneity of Late Endosome/Lysosome Protein Composition
Charles Bond, Siewert Hugelier, Jiazheng Xing, Elena M. Sorokina, Melike Lakadamyali
Identification and characterization of a synaptic active zone assembly protein
J. Lützkendorf, T. Matkovic-Rachid, T. Götz, S. Liu, T. Ghelani, M. Maglione, M. Grieger, S. Putignano, L. Gao, N. Gimber, J. Schmoranzer, A. Stawrakakis, A.M. Walter, M. Heine, M.C. Wahl, T. Mielke, F. Liu, S.J. Sigrist
Epithelial cell chirality emerges through the dynamic concentric pattern of actomyosin cytoskeleton
Takaki Yamamoto, Tomoki Ishibashi, Yuko Mimori-Kiyosue, Sylvain Hiver, Naoko Tokushige, Mitsusuke Tarama, Masatoshi Takeichi, Tatsuo Shibata
Cryo-electron tomography reveals postsynaptic nanoblocks in excitatory synapses
Rong Sun, James P Allen, Liana Wilson, Mariam Haider, Baris Alten, Zimeng Zhou, Xinyi Wang, Qiangjun Zhou
Super-resolution single molecule network analysis (SuperResNET) detects changes to clathrin structure by small molecule inhibitors
Timothy H. Wong, Ismail M. Khater, Christian Hallgrimson, Y. Lydia Li, Ghassan Hamarneh, Ivan R. Nabi