
Displaying posts in the category: Discussions

News digest

Posted by , on 19 March 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks on Twitter and beyond. Bioimage analysis: New deep learning tool for automated detection of membrane proteins in Cryo-ET New tool exploiting feature-based classifiers for domain adaptation in semantic segmentation A new toolbox for

Promoting yourself as an ECR - recording and answered questions now available

Posted by , on 15 March 2022

On Wednesday 23 February, in collaboration with our sister sites The Node and preLights, we hosted a webinar focused on promoting yourself as an early-career researcher. We had three excellent panellists joining us, Maria Abou Chakra, Pablo Sáez and Sarvenaz Sarabipour, and it was great to have so many questions from the audience. If you

The FocalPlane Network: a global directory of microscopists

Posted by , on 14 March 2022

We are excited to announce the launch of the FocalPlane Network, an international directory of researchers with microscopy expertise including developers, imaging scientists, biologists and bioimage analysts. The idea of creating a microscopy database where people could identify researchers with a specific microscopy expertise, diversity, etc. was first discussed in a meeting with our Scientific

Microscopy preprints – Bioimage analysis tools

Posted by , on 11 March 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new bioimage analysis tools only. Cloud-enabled Fiji for reproducible, integrated and modular image processing. Ling-Hong Hung, Evan Straw, Shishir Reddy, Robert Schmitz, Zachary Colburn, Ka Yee Yeung A pipeline to track unlabeled cells in wide migration chambers using pseudofluorescence.

Scope for Change

Posted by , on 8 March 2022

Gender and cultural biases and inequalities still exist in modern society. This is particularly evident in historically male-dominated workplaces, such as scientific research institutes, and is exemplified by the fact that, in 2022, men continue to hold more than 70% of higher academic positions and are awarded over 90% of Nobel Prizes. This suggests to

MSI/SMS Joint Symposium NUIG 2022

Posted by , on 7 March 2022

The Microscopy Society of Ireland and the Scottish Microscopy Society are delighted to be running their 2nd Joint Symposium this year in the beautiful Galway Bay, Ireland. The event will be the first in person event that either society has run since COVID began, and will have a strong focus on networking. The main aim

News digest

Posted by , on 4 March 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Martin Jones and Parash Prasad who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools:  miPolScope, multimodal instant polarization microscope… Python bindings for micro-manager note installable via

ESRIC Access Bursaries supported by the RS MacDonald Trust

Posted by , on 28 February 2022

ESRIC has partnered with the RS MacDonald Trust to provide bursaries for access to our Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) super resolution imaging capabilities. These bursaries aim to help minimise the long-term impact of Covid-19 restrictions on early career researchers by helping to produce data for publications/theses or for leveraging further funding. These bursaries are available to early

Microscopy preprints – applications in cell biology and more

Posted by , on 25 February 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in different fields such as cell biology, plant biology, microbiology, and neuroscience. Actin-microtubule dynamic composite forms responsive active matter with memory. Ondrej Kucera, Jeremie Gaillard, Christophe Guerin, Manuel Thery, Laurent Blanchoin The architecture of the

News digest

Posted by , on 18 February 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Andrey Andreev, Martin Jones and Parash Prasad who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: QUAREP-LiMi releases a new protocol on illumination… Important survey: which