
Displaying posts in the category: Education

A First Exposure to Super-Resolution Microscopy

Posted by , on 11 June 2021

Biomedical research encompasses several fields of expertise involving complex biological topics and technologies. Studying a given subject is a process that takes years, decades, and sometimes a lifetime to complete. Consequently, researchers tend to become highly familiar with a specific subset of scientific topics and experimental approaches. However, they are often confronted with the cumbersome

FocalPlane features... Pavel Tomancak

Posted by , on 7 June 2021

In case you missed ‘FocalPlane features…’ this month, here is the recording of the webinar given by Pavel Tomancak on Tuesday 1 June 2021. Light sheet microscopy has been over more than a decade producing stunning new views of the dynamics of living systems. I have been observing the rapid growth of this technology, contributed

FocalPlane features... Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz

Posted by , on 1 June 2021

In case you missed our first ‘FocalPlane features…’ event, here is the recording of the webinar given by Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz on Tuesday 4 May 2021. Powerful new ways to image the internal structures and complex dynamics of cells are revolutionizing cell biology and bio-medical research. In this talk, I will focus on how emerging fluorescent

Phototoxicity - the good, the bad and the quantified.

Posted by , on 14 May 2021

Our virtual meeting on phototoxicity was held in late January 2021, generously sponsored by the European Microscopy Society and enabled by the Royal Microscopical Society. In four hours, spread over two days, the five organisers and twenty invited participants discussed the problem of phototoxicity in live imaging, and how we can start to tackle this

Technology highlights - Traction Force Microscopy (TFM)

Posted by , on 9 December 2020

Interview with Aki Stubb, Ph.D. Please tell us a bit about yourself and the facility where you work. My name is Aki Stubb and I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK. I did my PhD in the group of Johanna Ivaska at the Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku and Åbo

Foldscope goes to the Peruvian Amazon!

Posted by , on 18 November 2020

Foldscope Instruments, Inc. is a company that was founded in 2016. We develop low-cost scientific tools with the goal of making science accessible to everyone around the world. In 2018, the Foldscope team visited Peru, Argentina, and Brazil. At the time, I was a Stanford graduate student in Biology and, due to school-related commitments, I

How To Train an Undergraduate Researcher in The Age of COVID-19

Posted by , on 10 August 2020

The year 2020 has been challenging for researchers around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With limited access to our labs, it is not easy to gain hands-on bench experience. We are the undergraduate researchers in the Rodal Lab, from Brandeis University in Waltham, MA. Our lab primarily studies membrane trafficking events at the

Etch A Cell - segmenting electron microscopy data with the power of the crowd

Posted by , on 16 July 2020

Recent years have seen remarkable developments in imaging techniques and technologies, producing increasingly rich datasets that require huge amounts of costly technological infrastructure, computational power and researcher effort to process. Techniques such as light-sheet microscopy and volume electron microscopy routinely generate terabytes worth of data overnight. With a single data acquisition producing more images than

Primers on Microscopy for Biologists - Resolution

Posted by , on 15 July 2020

Formal definitions of resolution refer to imaginary objects such as infinitely small sources of light. I will avoid those and instead try to provide a pragmatic explanation. Practically, the spatial resolution is the size of the smallest structure that can be distinguished in the light coming from a specimen. All sensors and components of the

The cell biologist's guide to super-resolution microscopy

Posted by , on 1 July 2020

Super-resolution microscopy has allowed to resolve cellular structures down to the nanoscale. While extremely beneficial for most cell biologists, the advent of this technology has made it somewhat difficult for cell biologists and microscopists alike to select the techniques best suited for their experiments. Guillaume Jacquemet, Alexandre Carisey, Hellyh Hamidi and two members of our