
Displaying posts in the category: Tools

Advances in Expansion Microscopy

Posted by , on 4 August 2023

Expansion microscopy was introduced in 2015 by Boyden and his team, revolutionizing the way we see biological samples under a microscope1. Taking advantage of the power of physical enlargement, ExM pushes spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit, allowing us to observe intricate details at previously unimaginable levels. The underlying principle of ExM lies in a

Sharing Your Poster on Figshare: A Community Guide to How-To and Why

Posted by , on 26 July 2023

Join the Open Science revolution and increase the impact of your research by sharing it on Figshare. Discover the benefits of transparency, collaboration, and accessibility in science as you make your work citable, shareable, and discoverable. Our step-by-step guide will walk you through uploading your conference posters and data, ensuring your research reaches a wider

#celldyn2023: holotomography with Tomocube Inc

Posted by , on 15 June 2023

Our recent Journal of Cell Science ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’ meeting took place at Pestana Palace Hotel in Lisbon. In this post, we share the talk from Sumin Lee, Chief Scientist at Tomocube Inc, on their holotomography technology.

#celldyn2023: Andor 'SRRF-Stream'

Posted by , on 7 June 2023

Our recent Journal of Cell Science ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’ meeting took place at Pestana Palace Hotel in Lisbon. In this post, we share the talk from Bruno Combettes, Microscopy Specialist at Andor, on their real time SRRF (SRRF-Stream) technology.

#celldyn2023: the benefits of using VT-iSIM

Posted by , on 30 May 2023

Our recent Journal of Cell Science ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’ meeting took place at Pestana Palace Hotel in Lisbon. The meeting featured excellent talks describing a range of different microscopy techniques and their application to a plethora of questions in cell biology. You can check out our preList from the meeting on preLights. The meeting also

Leveraging biophysics to push the limits of investigating RNAs in cells: Riboglow-FLIM, a breakthrough tool for visualizing RNAs in live mammalian cells

Posted by , on 1 May 2023

Nadia Sarfraz1, Esther Braselmann1* 1 Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, USA *corresponding author Ribonucleic acids (RNAs) play a critical role in cellular function. Visualizing RNAs in space and time in the context of living cells is critical to advance our understanding of biological processes in health and disease.1 Recently, our

Bypassing 164 years of tradition with 'any immersion microscopy'

Posted by , on 24 April 2023

The optical microscope is a classic scientific instrument with a straightforward purpose: to observe objects in more detail than is possible with the naked eye. Many microscope variations exist, from the rudimentary examples of the 17th century, to modern computer controlled systems with sophisticated designs. Despite the variety, most optical microscopes reuse the same physical

Fast4DReg - to the rescue of your drifty microscopy data

Posted by , on 10 March 2023

Fast4DReg to the rescue of your 4D microscopy data In life sciences, researchers use microscopes to study living organisms, such as cells or small animals. These live cell imaging experiments are usually performed over several hours, exposing the experiment to changes in the sample and in the microscope surroundings – causing the data to drift.

VollSeg and its extension Napari plugins

Posted by , on 15 January 2023

In this article we present the Napari plugin VollSeg and its ongoing extension plugins that we are creating as a part of the CZI grant awarded successively to the non-profit company KapoorLabs, Paris. VollSeg is a Napari plugin for performing semantic, instance segmentation and denoising using the seed pooling approach that requires StarDist and either

TrackMate-Oneat: Auto Track correction using deep learning networks

Posted by , on 4 July 2022

During the tracking of motile cells, solving the problem of linking objects between two consecutive timepoints becomes even more complicated, if the cells divide or undergo cell death. In the terms of trajectories, this means the addition of trajectory branches and terminations. However, dividing and dying cells are characteristic in their shape, and leveraging this