
Displaying posts in the category: Discussions

Promoting yourself as an ECR – an event hosted by the three community sites of The Company of Biologists

Posted by , on 15 February 2022

This February, to help celebrate preLights turning four and the Node Network turning two, FocalPlane is joining our sister community sites in hosting an interactive discussion and networking event, ‘Promoting yourself as an ECR’. This event will begin with a panel session featuring our three invited speakers Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Maria Abou Chakra, and Pablo Sáez. The

Microscopy preprints - New tools and techniques

Posted by , on 14 February 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new imaging tools only. 3D multi-color far-red single-molecule localization microscopy with probability-based fluorophore classification. Marijn Siemons, Daphne Jurriens, Carlas Smith, Lukas Kapitein A DNA-based optical force sensor for live-cell applications. Christina Jayachandran, Arindam Ghosh, Meenakshi Prabhune, Jonathan Bath, Andrew

News digest

Posted by , on 4 February 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Martin Jones and Parash Prasad who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Squidpy for spatial-omics, bringing together images analysis and omics… Combining micro-manager and

Funding opportunity for your next collaborative visit to another lab

Posted by , on 2 February 2022

Scientific collaborations are often key to the success of a project, providing more creative thinking and access to scientific expertise and equipment. For early-career researchers, these collaborations can be even more important, offering a unique opportunity for networking and self-promotion which can lead to fruitful collaborations and other opportunities in the future. The Travelling Fellowships

Microscopy preprints – Bioimage analysis tools

Posted by , on 28 January 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new bioimage analysis tools only. 3D quantification of zebrafish cerebrovascular architecture by automated image analysis of light sheet fluorescence microscopy datasets. E. C. Kugler, J. Frost, V. Silva, K. Plant, K. Chhabria, T. J.A. Chico, P. A. Armitage Analysis

News digest

Posted by , on 21 January 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporter’ Martin Jones who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Cryo-Expansion microscopy (Cryo-ExM) published in Nature Methods… New quantitative biosensors that work in live animals…

Microscopy preprints – applications in cell biology and more

Posted by , on 14 January 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in different fields such as cell biology, plant biology, microbiology, and neuroscience. Nanoscale details of mitochondrial fission revealed by cryo-electron tomography. Shrawan Kumar Mageswaran, Danielle Ann Grotjahn, Xiangrui Zeng, Benjamin Asher Barad, Michaela A Medina,

News digest

Posted by , on 7 January 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Martin Jones and Andrey Andreev who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Temperature-sensitive optogenetic tools… Foldscope now has a TIRF adaptor… Confocal vs

Microscopy preprints - New tools and techniques

Posted by , on 31 December 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new imaging tools only. Miniscope-LFOV: A large field of view, single cell resolution, miniature microscope for wired and wire-free imaging of neural dynamics in freely behaving animals. Changliang Guo, Garrett J. Blair, Megha Sehgal, Federico N. Sangiuliano Jimka, Arash

News digest

Posted by , on 24 December 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporter’ Martin Jones who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Marijn Siemons continues sharing updates on his #aSnoutyTale… A useful tip for those using expansion