
Displaying posts in the category: Discussions

Microscopy preprints - Bioimage analysis tools

Posted by , on 17 December 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new bioimage analysis tools only. Robust and unbiased estimation of the background distribution for automated quantitative imaging. Mauro Silberberg, Hernán E. Grecco Real-time Image Denoising of Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise in Fluorescence Microscopy Images using ImageJ. Varun Mannam, Yide Zhang,

Writing ideas for FocalPlane

Posted by , on 16 December 2021

FocalPlane is an online meeting place to connect people, products, resources, and information from the microscopy community. Featuring news, interviews, blog series, tools, job listings, events and a webinar series, this is a community site for anybody interested in imaging: microscopists and non-microscopists. The site is driven by content written by the community. Once registered,

Tumors want to break free! How knocking down Myo10 can change invasive properties of a breast cancer xenograft model.

Posted by , on 16 December 2021

This is one of the research highlights from our second preLights – FocalPlane social writing event. You can find the other reseach highlight in preLights. Myosin-X-dependent assembly of the extracellular matrix limits breast cancer invasion Emilia Peuhu, Guillaume Jacquemet, Colinda LGJ Scheele, Ilkka Paatero, Kerstin Thol, Aleksi Isomursu, Maria Georgiadou, Camilo Guzman, Satu Koskinen, Asta Laiho,

News digest

Posted by , on 10 December 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Martin Jones and Parash Prasad who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Reporting and reproducibility in microscopy:… Microscope control via napari:… Next Generation File

Microscopy preprints - applications in cell biology and more

Posted by , on 3 December 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in different fields such as cell biology, neuroscience, and immunology. Actin filaments act as a size-dependent diffusion barrier around centrosomes. Hsuan Cheng, Yu-Lin Kao, Lohitaksh Sharma, Wen-Ting Yang, Shih-Han Huang, Hong-Rui Lin, Yao-Shen Huang, Chi-Ling

Countdown to 2022 with the Node and FocalPlane

Posted by , on 1 December 2021

2021 has been an exciting year for both the Node and FocalPlane; both sites have new Community Managers, new series and new contributors. To celebrate the end of the year and to look forward into 2022, we bring you our Countdown to 2022. Each day we will feature an image from a scientist or illustrator

News digest

Posted by , on 26 November 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporter’ Martin Jones who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Diesel2p… Bioimage analysis: Omnipose, a new cell segmentation algorithm for complicated cell shapes is out

Microscopy preprints - New tools and techniques

Posted by , on 19 November 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new imaging tools only. Open microscopy in the life sciences: Quo Vadis? Johannes Hohlbein, Benedict Diederich, Barbora Marsikova, Emmanuel G. Reynaud, Seamus Holden, Wiebke Jahr, Robert Haase, Kirti Prakash Development of an Ontology for an Integrated Image Analysis Platform

News digest

Posted by , on 12 November 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporter’ Martin Jones who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Open-source OpenFlexure microscopes in Institute of Physics “Physics World” magazine:… X-OpenSPIM… Ultrafast laser-scanning… Bioimage

Microscopy preprints - Bioimage analysis tools

Posted by , on 5 November 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new bioimage analysis tools only. 2020 BioImage Analysis Survey: Community experiences and needs for the future. Nasim Jamali, Ellen TA Dobson, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Anne E. Carpenter, Beth A. Cimini Cell-ACDC: a user-friendly toolset embedding state-of-the-art neural networks for