
Displaying posts in the category: Discussions

Hot reads

Posted by , on 8 June 2021

Today we start a new monthly post. We have asked three researchers to propose their three favourite recently published papers (related to microscopy, of course). You might be up to date with the recent literature in your field of research, but what about other disciplines? We hope this list, provided this month by Claudia Almeida,

Your microscopy news digest is here!

Posted by , on 28 May 2021

Twitter, microscopy forums, and bioimage analysis platforms such as, … It is difficult to keep up to date with all the discussions and news happening on the different online platforms. To address this, we have created a ‘news digest’ post to help you stay informed about what’s happening in the microscopy community. Here is

Preparing your manuscript: guidelines for writing microscopy methods and figures

Posted by , on 25 May 2021

A new paper has caught your eye on Twitter or Pubmed based on the title. Next step? A quick look at the abstract. Still interesting? Let’s have a look at the figures. This is probably the most important element of the paper to attract the interest of the reader. If figures are easy to interpret

Phototoxicity - the good, the bad and the quantified.

Posted by , on 14 May 2021

Our virtual meeting on phototoxicity was held in late January 2021, generously sponsored by the European Microscopy Society and enabled by the Royal Microscopical Society. In four hours, spread over two days, the five organisers and twenty invited participants discussed the problem of phototoxicity in live imaging, and how we can start to tackle this

Part V The future: The hope of smart microscopes and phantoms

Posted by , on 24 April 2021

Elisabeth Kugler 1 and Emmanuel G. Reynaud 2 Contact:; We are reaching the end of our LSFM journey. Now it is time to look into the future, riding the plane of light! So, what is next for the LSFM? 1. Four-to-two, then four, then one. The story of SPIM, and LSFM per se,

Writing Ideas for FocalPlane

Posted by , on 12 March 2021

A couple of months ago, we launched a survey to learn about your experience with FocalPlane and hear your suggestions. We want to thank you again for taking the time to participate and share your comments and suggestions with us. We noticed that many of you did not know that you can post your content

Introducing our new Community Manager

Posted by , on 15 February 2021

Hello FocalPlane community! My name is Esperanza and I recently joined the Journal of Cell Science team as the new FocalPlane Community Manager. As a cell biologist, I have always been interested in visualising cellular processes. My interest in microscopy started during my PhD in the laboratory of Dr David Garcia-Dorado at Vall d’Hebron Research

LSFM series – Part IV: Data post-processing: Cropping, tailoring, and trimming

Posted by , on 23 January 2021

Elisabeth Kugler 1 and Emmanuel G. Reynaud 2; There is a very thin sheet of light between gathering data and hoarding. In Science, between pilling up manuscripts on desk, books on shelves and samples in cold freezer, most of us fit in the latter category. It is OK, if you have space available

FocalPlane user survey

Posted by , on 5 January 2021

Help us make the FocalPlane experience better by taking this quick survey. The survey is now closed. Create your own user feedback survey

“Outreach during a pandemic, it can be done!” – Virtual Microscopy Camp

Posted by , on 1 January 2021

I’ve always believed public outreach and education activities are vital to our role as scientists. While both are familiar concepts to many of us, often they are unappreciated  as important parts of our scientific training and journey. This has become increasingly relevant during this year, where a rise in public mistrust and misunderstanding of the