
Displaying posts in the category: News

Featured image with Beste Senem Değirmenci

Posted by , on 18 August 2023

Our featured image, ‘Bubbles of The Cell’, shows enlarged endosomal vesicles in HeLa S3 cells upon inhibition of PI(3,5)P2 activity. PI(3,5)P2 is a crucial phosphoinositide involved in the regulation of endosomal trafficking. Depletion of PI(3,5)P2 disrupts the transition from early to late endosomes, leading to the enlargement of endosomal vesicles. Imaged with Leica DMI8 SP8

Featured image with Outi Paloheimo

Posted by , on 4 August 2023

Our featured image is laser scanning confocal microscope image showing cell division of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells with nuclei in grey and filamentous actin in orange. The image was acquired with a Zeiss LSM 780 microscope with a 63x/1.40 oil immersion objective, 405 nm diode laser and 561 nm diode-pumped solid-state laser. Deconvolution was performed

The FocalPlane correspondents: Marta Forcella

Posted by , on 26 July 2023

At the beginning of the year, we announced that we will be working with three FocalPlane correspondents, who will be helping us to develop and write content for FocalPlane. We caught up with each of them to chat about their research backgrounds and the topics that they’re excited to write about. Here, we talk to

Featured image with David McGrath

Posted by , on 21 July 2023

Our featured image is of mature mouse brown adipocytes (WT-1 cell line) under normal conditions from David McGrath. Channel 1 (green LUT) shows lipid droplets stained with BODIPY 493/503 and channel 2 (fire LUT) shows mitochondria stained with TMRE. The image was obtained using a Visitron SD-TIRF confocal microscope (60x Apo TIRF (corr.) Oil/ NA: 1.49) at the UKE Microscopy Imaging Facility

New on the Node — Unveiling the Unseen: Organizing a Science Art Exhibition

Posted by , on 12 July 2023

What happens when one combines their love for art, microscopy and developmental biology? In a blog post on the Node, Elisabeth Kulger talks about her experience of planning a science art exhibition showcasing the intricate world of developmental biology through the lens of microscopy. Head over to the Node to read more about the challenges,

Featured image with Ramiro Tomasina

Posted by , on 12 July 2023

Our featured image shows an ultrastructure expansion microscopy image of a procyclic Trypanosoma brucei labelled with anti-acetylated tubulin in magenta, DAPI in cyan and a flagellar marker in yellow. The image is a z-projection of  maximum intensity. The image was acquired in the Trypanosoma cell biology unit at the Institut Pasteur of Paris (headed by Philippe Bastin),

The FocalPlane correspondents: Mai Rahmoon

Posted by , on 11 July 2023

At the beginning of the year, we announced that we will be working with three FocalPlane correspondents, who will be helping us to develop and write content for FocalPlane. We caught up with each of them to chat about their research backgrounds and the topics that they’re excited to write about. Our second interview is

The FocalPlane correspondents: Mariana De Niz

Posted by , on 27 June 2023

At the beginning of the year, we announced that we will be working with three correspondents, who will be helping us to develop and write content for FocalPlane. We caught up with each of them to chat about their research backgrounds and the topics that they’re excited to write about. This interview is with Mariana

The Company of Biologists Workshops 2025

Posted by , on 12 June 2023

Do you have an idea for a new Workshop, but are not sure that you have time to take care of all the planning? You can apply to organise a Workshop with The Company of Biologists and while you take care of the science, our events team will organise the logistics of the meeting. We

AI4Life at the 5th NEUBIAS Conference

Posted by , on 26 May 2023

AI4Life recently participated in the 5th NEUBIAS Conference in Porto, Portugal, a two-part event comprising the Defragmentation Training School and the Open Symposium. This conference brought together experts and enthusiasts in the field of BioImage Analysis (BIA) to explore cutting-edge techniques and advancements in the integration of cloud computing. Under the umbrella of AI4Life, there