Featured image with… our JCS cover competition winner Antara Chakraborty
Posted by FocalPlane, on 30 October 2024
We are delighted to announce that our cover competition winner is Antara Chakraborty. Antara’s winning image ‘Breaking symmetry’ is the cover image for Journal of Cell Science’s Special Issue: Imaging Cell Architecture and Dynamics; you can explore the table of contents here. The image shows a mouse embryonic fibroblast labelled with phalloidin (actin – green), acetylated tubulin antibody (magenta) and DAPI (DNA – blue). The image was captured using Zeiss Laser scanning confocal microscope 780. Deconvolution for individual wavelength images was done on Huygens Professional version 16.10, and the composite image was put together using ImageJ.

Find out more about Antara’s research below:
Research career so far: I completed my master’s dissertation in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBBT), Tezpur University. After that, I joined IISER Pune, where I am pursuing my Ph.D. in Dr. Nagaraj Balasubramanian’s Cell Adhesion Lab.
Current research: I am working to understand the role of microtubule-associated motor proteins in regulating cell-matrix adhesion-dependent regulation of Golgi organization and positioning in the cell.
Favourite imaging technique/microscope: I enjoy imaging fluorescently tagged cellular proteins using a laser-scanning confocal microscope.
What are you most excited about in microscopy? I am excited about multichannel imaging (4 or more channels), which will allow me to visualize multiple aspects of the cell and crosstalk of different cellular proteins under certain defined conditions. I also want to learn transmission electron microscopy in the future.
You can learn more about the research published in Journal of Cell Science’s Special Issue: Imaging Cell Architecture and Dynamics by attending our upcoming FocalPlane Features… webinar featuring talks from Hashim Reza, Melanie Rug and Vikas Tillu and hosted by Guest Editors Lucy Collinson and Guillaume Jacquemet.