
Displaying posts in the category: Discussions

News digest

Posted by , on 29 October 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Martin Jones and Parash Prasad who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: Open Microscopy in the Life Sciences:… MethodsJ2 published, for generating comprehensive imaging

Latin America Bioimaging: a network to advance bioimaging in the Latin America and Caribbean region

Posted by , on 27 October 2021

Summary Latin America and the Caribbean comprise a vast and diverse region with significant disparities in scientific development and infrastructure. Nevertheless, it has a long history of regional integration and scientific collaboration. We present a perspective on Latin America Bioimaging (LABI) creation: a new network aimed to build community and develop capacities in bioimaging throughout

Microgametogenesis in four dimensions live-cell imaging of this highly dynamic process in P. falciparum

Posted by , on 27 October 2021

Here is the preLight post from our first preLights – FocalPlane social writing event. 4D live-cell imaging of microgametogenesis in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Sabrina Yahiya, Sarah Jordan, Holly X. Smith, David C. A. Gaboriau, Mufuliat T. Famodimu, Farah A. Dahalan, Alisje Churchyard, George W. Ashdown, Jack Baum Preprint posted on  July 29,

preLights – FocalPlane social writing event

Posted by , on 27 October 2021

On Thursday 30 September we hosted our first social writing event in collaboration with our sister site preLights. preLights is the preprint highlighting service run by the biological community and supported by The Company of Biologists. Their dedicated team of scientists (the ‘preLighters’) select, highlight and comment on preprints they feel are of particular interest

Microscopy preprints - applications in cell biology and more

Posted by , on 22 October 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in different fields such as cell biology, neuroscience, and development. These two preprints were selected by Pablo J. Sáez who also participated in our Hot Reads post this month: An anti-inflammatory activation sequence governs macrophage

News digest

Posted by , on 15 October 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporters’ Andrey Andreev, Martin Jones, Manish Kumar and Parash Prasad who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: New work from Prevedel lab on 3-photon microscopy…

Development presents... an Imaging Special

Posted by , on 12 October 2021

Development presents… is a webinar series hosted by Development. The webinars are chaired each month by a different Development Editor, who invites talks from authors of exciting new papers and preprints. First authors are particularly encouraged to present their work – we hope the series will become a forum for supporting early-career researchers. As well

Microscopy preprints - New tools and techniques

Posted by , on 8 October 2021

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on new imaging tools only. Preprint selected by Pablo J. Sáez who also participated in our Hot Reads post this month: A turquoise fluorescence lifetime-based biosensor for quantitative imaging of intracellular calcium. Franka H. van der Linden, Eike K. Mahlandt,

Hot reads

Posted by , on 5 October 2021

Our monthly post is back. We have asked different researchers to propose their favourite recently published papers (related to microscopy, of course). These are the suggestions for this month. We hope you find some interesting publications that were not included in your reading list. Margarida Barroso Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Albany Medical College,

News digest

Posted by , on 1 October 2021

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks. Thank you to our ‘FocalPlane reporter’ Martin Jones who helped us create this list. Twitter Microscopes and imaging tools: CompassLSM… Methods Primer on force spectroscopy of single cells… Bioimage analysis: Review on Deep