
Displaying posts in the category: Discussions

Microscopy preprints – new tool and techniques in imaging

Posted by , on 2 February 2023

Here is a curated selection of preprints posted recently on new tools and techniques in imaging, including a tool from Lukas Kapitein and colleagues for accurately measuring expansion for ExM and a comparison between spectral separation and demixing for fast multicolour SMLM from Christophe Leterrier and colleagues.

News digest

Posted by , on 24 January 2023

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks on Twitter and beyond.

Microscopy preprints – bioimage analysis tools

Posted by , on 18 January 2023

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints on bioimage analysis.

News digest

Posted by , on 10 January 2023

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks on Twitter and beyond.

Microscopy preprints – applications in cell biology

Posted by , on 19 December 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. In this post, we focus specifically on preprints using microscopy tools in cell biology.

News digest

Posted by , on 9 December 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks on Twitter and beyond.

Microscopy preprints – new tool and techniques in imaging and bioimage analysis

Posted by , on 5 December 2022

Here is a curated selection of preprints published recently. This post is a bumper edition, featuring preprints on bioimage analysis and new tools and techniques in imaging.

News digest

Posted by , on 25 November 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks on Twitter and beyond.

Young Microscopists and Image Analysts in GerBI

Posted by , on 25 November 2022

To make microscopy techniques and image analysis more accessible to young researchers in Germany, the German BioImaging Society ( is setting up a new team for Young Microscopists and Image Analysts (YMIA). If you’re interested: Check out the full invitation below and feel free to share this in institutions across Germany. Spread the word and

News digest

Posted by , on 11 November 2022

Here is a selection of interesting news, publications and discussions related to microscopy that happened in the last two weeks on Twitter and beyond.