
Displaying posts in the category: Tools

Technology highlights - Traction Force Microscopy (TFM)

Posted by , on 9 December 2020

Interview with Aki Stubb, Ph.D. Please tell us a bit about yourself and the facility where you work. My name is Aki Stubb and I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK. I did my PhD in the group of Johanna Ivaska at the Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku and Åbo

SRRF-Stream+ Super-Resolution Microscopy Accessible to All

Sponsored by Andor, on 12 August 2020

Fast, reliable & live-cell compatible Super-Resolution Science has limits imposed by the laws of physics that constrain discoveries and the advance of knowledge. In microscopy, up until the beginning of the XXI century, the diffraction limit of light was an unbreakable barrier. This law of physics imposes that two points could not be resolved (clearly

Expansion microscopy

Posted by , on 29 July 2020

Written by Shoh Asano and Ruixuan Gao Light microscopy and diffraction limit For centuries, light microscopy has played a central role in biological studies. The first implementations of a light microscope dates back to as early as the late 16th and early 17th century, when an array of polished lenses was used to magnify (biological)

“openFrame” for modular, extensible, easily maintained, open-source microscopy

Posted by , on 23 July 2020

The openFrame [1] is an open-source microscopy hardware project initiated by the Photonics Group in the Physics Department at Imperial College London that is intended to provide access to a modular, upgradable, easily maintained and modifiable microscope frame that can be implemented at relatively low cost compared to existing commercial instruments. openFrame is a component

How CLIJ2 can make your bio-image analysis workflows incredibly fast

Posted by , on 14 July 2020

Do you also spend a substantial amount of your time waiting for automated image analysis to finish? I did, again and again for more than a decade. And, then,  the morning after running a script overnight, you realize that a parameter was wrongly set. It was about time to change that. History Processing on graphics

Lessons learned from an open-hardware project in microscopy: The mesoSPIM initiative

Posted by , on 1 July 2020

The mesoscale selective plane illumination microscope (mesoSPIM) is a highly versatile open-source light-sheet microscope for imaging large (cm-sized) cleared tissue samples. Using the documentation and software available via and on Github, interested labs can set up their own microscope.  Currently, ten mesoSPIM instruments are in operation around the globe and several more are under